
Do you have the skill it takes to make a simple lightsaber wand consisting of two spells?

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Mana + Luminous Drill? Or vice versa?

>decided to fuck about with cheatgui and various cheat mods
>after exploring the sky for like 2 hours my game crashes
>been like 10 minutes syncing
Have I blown my cloud save up?

Are you noita enough to become a chainsaw storm?

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OOOooooh the random explosions in the lower levels need to fuck off and stop surprise 100 to 0ing me.

Someone in the last thread was throwing a tantrum because making a luminous drill wand involved way too much luck apparently.

Also you're better off turning off cloud saves when playing noita, the saves get split into a million files and it takes forever to sync with long saves.

just mod higher health or starting with explosion immunity perk you dork

I'm reading the beta build patch notes
Alpha and Gamma Spells no longer automatically cast another spell
Is this a huge nerf?

>jumping into a massive pool of toxic sludge - hurts a little
>touching one pixel of frozen toxic sludge - melts your entire health bar within seconds
What the fuck

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>be me
>find wand
>it has nice stats, not great but not bad
>autism immediately kicks in and use it on a group of nerds
>nearly flood the entire level with water in moments
>race to the portal before my autism drowns me
>always cast: water trail
>just as I'm about to huck the wand onto the floor
>notice the breathless perk
>laughs in Poseidon
>immediately begin the coal pits by drowning the peasantry
>notice somthing from the edge of the screen
>"oh fuu-"
>a fucking hisii battery/generator

>random explosion
>random explosion
>enemy that has BOTH
>more random explosions and fire mixed in with burning fire tossing enemies

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No that's a fix

>explosion immunity
>revenge explosion
>glass cannon
>carry flasks filled with acid, sludge etc
>drip 1 pixel onto myself
>entire screen is deleted

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>Revenger Explosion perk Explodes harder and can't set the player on fire, + adds a 20% explosion resistance

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This game makes me 200% MAD

I mean, you do have to at least find Luminous Drill, which may not happen. But anyway, what's with so many shitters in these threads complaining about luck in a game where luck is a main feature?

>getting mad
Why? The whole game is about adaptation and improvisation. Dying is a part of the learning process.

>modded the wizard into madoka
>die in various horrific, and often self-inflicted ways
>get fucking aroused with each death
This fucking game, man.

Attached: Noita Madoka.png (400x426, 122.98K)

>reach jungle
>some prick is immediately digging into the holy mountain and summons steve
this is happening way too often

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Here's Electricity killing a run. Never taking that perk again

mainly because the constant zapping FX is annoying as fuck

Attached: zap.webm (1920x1080, 2.8M)

That was pretty obviously your fault, but Electricity is still possibly one of the worst perks in the game
Lightning immunity is not worth the constant tension of avoiding anything that might explode hidden in soft powder, or constantly setting everything around you on fire
Its either instant death or huge DoT damage

>douche using mods telling everyone about adaptation and improvisation


>dormant crystal+trail
does this cast the trail indefinitely? I only had poison trail so the poison only gets so big before it starts evaporating

re-upped the webm with a less garbage bitrate but yeah. I genuinely didn't think the propane got activated by Electricity, went through half of Hiisi before that happened.

The death before this I had shot a thunder wand point blank thinking I'd switched to my digging wand. Something is telling me to stop playing with electricity

>How am I supposed to avoid this?

I stopped taking the freeze aura perk after this shit happened to me

Electricity spells are the main reason one of my friends is bad at the game
He either kills himself trying to use it, or gimps himself trying to focus perks for it

>character apprearance mods only

It's as if you don't like to watch pretty girls getting mauled, crushed, set on fire or blown up. Sounds pretty gay, bro.

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>not having fire and explosion immunity
Just get a drill wand and ambrosia and go to alternate worlds bro.

pinpointer is kino

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>I genuinely didn't think the propane got activated by Electricity
sucks for you, literally the first thing i did when picking up that perk is get shot by three enemies, run away like a bitch and kill myself on a propane tank so i learned my lesson pretty quick

Yeah, current save i have an magic bolt w trigger-acid trail-triple shot- unstable crystal-acid cloud x 2
I shoot it and then it just melts and melts. I bet it would go right down to the next level if I let it.

noita is already cute enough

If I make a wand like that it's just a matter of time before I kill myself