THOUSANDS of games featuring males have been silent protag

>THOUSANDS of games featuring males have been silent protag
>EVERY time a game has a female lead she talks every minute

Why don't devs make female leads that are 'clean slate'? Don't they care about inclusive immersion so much if they shoehorn women everywhere?

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gordon and chell

pokemon (arguably)

OP soundly BTFO

who cares post more kardia

We know why you made this thread.

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Turns out it's also a dude, just dressed like a woman. :^)

Play God Eater.

devs rarely care about actual representation, and just put in female leads for goodboy points

wow look at those


>heart-shaped breathing holes
Fuck I love this.

how does that armor hide those monster tiddies?

Built, conceived, created, idealised, imagined, drawn, born, engineered, designated, made, hatched, designed, formed...for big BLACK cock

Based dedicated retard.

>the baby
Yes I know that any real fan doesn't acknowledge that games existence.

It's a tight fit

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Spiritfarer. you fucking dolt


Nier automata is literally the opposite

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>still hasn't received a dedicated game or doujin/hentai
Shocks me every time.

>female silent protag
didn't know I wanted this until now, any games do this?

That knight would easily be overpowered by a superior black bull and be bred thoroughly

This wasn't true of Metroid...until Other M. Fuck Other M. Also, Super Princess Peach has her basically as mute as Mario.

Don't think Yami is interested

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What is it with the Japanese and kicking dogs?



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give me all their names bros, i dont know some of em

They lack moral boundaries that western people do.
Same for why open perverseness is acceptable there.
Not SJWing or anything, but it is how it is.

>the year is 2020
>many rpgs have come and gone
>none give me the option to fuck a dragon

Gaming hasnt evolved very well since the 90s so dont be so surprised that it has devolved ever since OP

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Samus has a few lines in Fusion as well.


i definitely prefer the older version to this one, also where's the maid variant?
can't be fucked to edit this so whatever ban me lol

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Aren't those mostly an internal monologue, or does she verbally acknowledge the station AI when it gives her those status updates?

Why haven't you made said game?