Age of Calamity

8 more days

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I can't wait!

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oooooh the musouchads will win again

I just want to see a few reviews for general, non-spoiler info and impressions. Then I’ll be able to wait patiently

Try out the demo, I imagine that will give you a good idea how it plays

I hope I can play it at more than 20 fps this time.

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What impressions? Its a musou game, you know what youre getting, all the games play exactly the same. I doubt itll get more than a low 80 on metacritic and thats WITH the nintendo bonus. Even HW DE has like a 70 on metacritic.

>tfw family responsibilities on the 20th, 21st, and 22nd

I just wanna play the game, bros

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hack your switch so you can play it early when it leaks

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>Mfw been jobless looking for a job
>Excited to binge AoC since can't find job in trade
>Job place contacts me and might get a job that i've wanted
>Should be happy about getting having the opportunity to get a job in my trade, but kinda sucks that it happens before AoC comes out so now I can't super binge
The fuck is wrong with me

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it happens user. but if you have a chance to get the job you want then work towards it as much is you can

Go get the job! Job = money for more vidya.

>AoC and Sakuna release on the same day
fuck i love video games

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Leak when? I need to rip the textures.

Please egg don't take my tragedy kino away from me

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Can't you access these files based on the preload? It should preload on switch in 3 ou 4 hours.
I'm counting on that someone will search these files to leak everything.

We saw scenes of Zelda alone in the castle. Time travel is not going to change anything important. It is just a plot device to shake things up a bit so some events have more sense in a musou game

spooky wizard/Ganon cultist is named Gohmin, He's the current host of Ganon, and midboss of the game and sabotages the castle's guardians. He has his own custom spider-like guardian (hence the name) that he remotely controls with his Malice Core.

I'm just here for the fish

Oh, I played and enjoyed the demo. I meant on a more macro scale.

Is he playable?

Or that’s what they want you to think

>zlinkers are this desperate

I'm fucking my Mipha daki right now

Jeez I could be dead by then

Zelda has already won. The tragedy kino is just the icing on the cake

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Post pics of your daki


Pics or didn't happened.