Penguins are clones of Samus in costumes

Penguins are clones of Samus in costumes.

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how the fuck does anyone even come up with this shit?

Dude what drugs are you on

I sense the makings of an epic thread.

I swear, I get deja vú once a week. I fucking swear I saw this OP before at least once before.

good post

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samefag hyping up his own uncreative thoughts

whats your gallery

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Then why is it when they're cut open we don't see her inside?

I'm hard

Have you ever cut a penguin open?

I don't know, but it's funny.

Good point.

I remember that thread.
Penguins aren't even real.

So are they Samus or what?



Prove it.

thats pretty hot

Kind of, yeah.

Why are tiny Samus clones posing as penguins though?

Attached: leosquint.png (350x350, 141.01K)

That's a good question.

Is this canon?


So then what about dedede?

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Is Dead Eddy a confirmed penguin?

The best bait is that it’s the smash design