Genshinchads... We kneel

Genshinchads... We kneel

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So Gangyu will be in 1.2?

do the fat fatui guys fuck the cicin mages? if so I am jelaous

that fucking childe boss was such a sack of shit, doing the same fight multiple times in a row is such a godawful design choice. if thats what i can expect from future story shit i think its time to fuck off

Attached: chad stride.webm (400x226, 1.8M)

Don't stick your dick in crazy

so not japan is electo
not russia is cyro
not egypt is fire?
what about the other elements?

Monstadt is supposed to be what? Not america?

Not Germany

dendro is not egypt

The childe boss was decent
The fight against the literal god that was just defending 3 ballistas from fatui faggots was way worse

mexico is fire, i feel represented and BLM

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Wait what? Why? Isnt muh freedom=america?


as an ayakachad I'm sad

Mondstadt is german for Moon City.

But in chinese and japanese its just Mond

Am I retarded or am I missing something? Everywhere I check says I can get all of these artifacts from this domain, but I can only ever get the flower. What am I missing?

Attached: Screenshot 2020-11-12 185446.png (296x609, 39.2K)


They can drop all types user.

Guess I'm just getting really bad luck. Thanks

You are welcome

anyone know a good area to farm violet grass?

its pretty tedious having to climb 100 foot cliffs just to get one at a time

Attached: download.jpg (168x188, 5.27K)

>Bow user
Goddamn it pls no

I hope she becomes a party member eventually.

Bows are my bane
>fish is c4 but using slingshot
>refuse to keep dumping resources into it so she's been benched for weeks
>venti using favonius which is decent but would prefer stringless
>diona, ganyu, albedo, and childe
>all bow users

I'd have to craft one of the bows if I got one of these and I don't want to do that.

performance feels worse after 1.1

they added more graphics

that works, thanks
also i read about a spot that only small characters like Qiqi can fit into. anyone know where that is?

I got lucky and got Rust for fishl, but it's not like you NEED a good bow for her since you mostly just use her bird anyway
But yeah bows sucks in general and if Ganyu is another bow user then I'll really have to wait until Ayaka to scrap my Kaeya

Weird, it got way better for me. I finally found a way to force exclusive fullscreen also thanks to fucking reddit so my game is finally smooth

Rust for support fischl is trash go stringless of you can

I hate upgrading stuff that I'd end up replacing and it's entirely possible to get a spook 4 star bow that's bis for archers.

Reminder that Venti is a cute diaper God who will bring all apples and expel cheese pancakes.