Literally fucking impossible

Literally fucking impossible.

Attached: demon of hatred.jpg (1080x600, 129.31K)

when he does his charge attack while you're attacking him, you can just jump and it'll miss you, that single knowledge turns this boss from impossible to medium difficulty. Or you can just cheese it, couple million vids out there on making him an hero off the cliff near the gate

Attached: 1604126061998.png (648x453, 619.55K)

Why waste time on a chalice dungeon reject boss anyway?

If he catches you with the charge while you're still mid-swing, you're mashing RB too hard. Slow down. Take it easy, and relax. He only does one attack maybe ever 3 seconds. He will basically never ever posture break you. Just get in his face, use the fire umbrella, and attack with a measured, slow pace.

I don't meet bosses and leave them unkilled.

Dodge through his attacks. I know you can't do that for most enemies, but you can against him for some retarded reason.

i like all of the stances he does after he attacks.

Why did the Sculptor do it?

His Gf was aten by a monkey then he went he mad, old guy cut his arm off and exiled him, he becomes a demon later on Becuase of the war going on

Everything he does is avoidable. What I really hate about the fight is how long it is. Remember you can deflect his headbutts and stomps, I usually forget and resort to dodging like with all the beast/monster bosses.


I always make fun of my irl friend for cheesing this. Fucking pussies

Remember that if he distances himself from you the last thing you should do is rush him down like a dumbass, instead you gotta wait out the fireballs first and the bait the double sweep by running in and out
The slam is also a good time to get in and you can avoid it by simply running

first two phases are really easy when you learn the reads, it's not even necessary to react as quickly as you have to for other bosses
there are a few attacks i never learned in the last phase though

Dodge swipes but parry stomps
Jump when red icon appears

Congrats you win

>got killed more times by the retard with the ashina cross than I did to demon of hatred
Am I retarded?

Don't bother using the umbrella, save emblems for kingfisher

Just git gud. Or use the phoenix shield if you're a shitter like most fags did.

There is no shame in using the phoenix shield to avoid the fireballs as you're closing the distance after a charge. Sometimes he just runs so damn far away that it's basically impossible to get back into the safe zone in time.

>tfw shura ending Isshin was one of the harder bosses in the game for me
Literally everything else was overcome in a handful of attempts, even SS Isshin went down on my first attempt but not this old fuck.

Can I get the deep lore on the old dragons of the tree? Were they people who ascended to join the divine realm?

user If I can beat it anyone can, I am notoriously shit at video games
You need to get gud scrublord

>sprint towards him whenever he runs away
>deflect when you think his arm might hit you
>circle around for leg and head bashes

Wow, very challenging.

Lol that's retarded. The fireballs are his only move that's actually annoying to dodge

>>sprint towards him whenever he runs away
>get fireballed
Wow user

Use the red umbrella

It was a huge missed opportunity not having a a weapon art have like 2 frames of innate deflect at the start for bigdick styling.

Be faster faggot. its perfectly possible to run below them before they hit you. Even then, you can still deflect/block if you wanna be safe, and the attack doesnt one shot until LITERALLY NG+ 7 Bell Demon and No Kuro Charm. its nbd

>the last thing you should do is rush him down
but that's exactly what I do. I assume ya aint doing it early/fast enough cus it always ends up with him attemptin a long range attack and i get easy hits with this situation.

think it helps that the arena for shura isshin is small as fuck compared to sword saint and most other bosses, plus shura isshin cheats like a faggot and sets the whole fucking place on fire

The new Sakura Dance move is really good for bullying the fuck out of Shura Isshin. Whenever he's about to do One Mind, get in his face and spam that shit

>that one Lone Shadow arena that's tiny as fuck and filled with fire
>that one Seven Spears arena that's tiny as fuck and filled with fire
>the random patches of fire that are scattered around the Demon of Hatred arena
Who thought this annoying shit was a good idea?