And its sold out again

and its sold out again

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The page wouldn't even load for me

I'm genuinely curious why anyone is willing to spend 500$ (or more from scalpers) to buy an Xbox or PS5. What are the games/features you're getting at this time?

Ps5 will outsell xbox 3 to 1

won't let me fuckin checkout

how? who is actually managing to check out?

buying a meme 3080 wasn't this much of a hassle.



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It’s up on Amazon

I couldn't even get it into my cart this time. How are people getting through???

either unexpectedly high demand or artificially low supply, take your pick

I didn't even get one into my cart this time, shit is unreal

Literally one console...jfc

Is it possible that they're preffing loyal customers in the queue? Is there even a queue?

>extremely slow laggy and constant errors
This is such a shitty experience. This morning I even got it in my cart, went through the checkout process, and at the very end kept getting an error from the place order. Like an idiot I just kept going through the cycle of trying to place an order, getting an error, reconfirming my credit card and trying to place an order again. Finally I decided to inspect the network request because the actual request might be more detailed than the generic error they kept showing and it said checkout failed because item was out of stock.

So when you add a high demand item to your cart it doesn't even reserve it for you for a few minutes. It's literally just the luck of the fucking draw. Why are retailers so fucking retarded that they can't figure this shit out? Just fucking do a lottery system, registration, or do what fucking valve did and let people place orders that will be fulfilled in waves so people at least know they've got one reserved.

Just realized that my defunct college email was my psn id. Which means for all I know sony offered me a preorder and I never found out.

Bots are buying them out in less than a minute

Just ordered digital edition on amazon. Now to find out if they discriminate against Hawaiian Residents

bots are a hell of a thing user....

are you actually going to get your shit

wasn't there some news that a lot of preorders weren't going to be sent until Dec 31 at the latest

In the brief amount of time I saw it up on amazon it said November 17th actually, which is much faster than any other site

It says next week. Who knows if that's true

who cares

first time really trying to buy on launch day... what a nightmare! i think i'll build a pc instead and skip this gen all together.

Bots you dumbass. Learn how to script, I picked 7 today. Hopefully can sell em for 850 a piece.

Got an order in on PS Direct last night, bypassed the queue. It says preparing to ship. Dunno how long it will take, frankly 3 minutes would be too long. I need a hot snoy injection

Congratulations on making money by reselling something you had no participation in creating or even marketing! Go fuck yourself!

not a bad price, all things considered

commit screwdriver slip nobody cares about this piece of shit

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Every other launch day I just waltzed into a random gaming store and found a console no problem, this shit is miserable

>I picked 7 today

what's the point of doing that when you could just make more money just buying Gamestop shares lel
Then just sell by January or February once the console hype dies down

easiest fucking swing of my life

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Cannot thank enough the user who alerted us that amazon was moving.

Yup. Dummy me forgot to put my new card info on Amazon and that probably cost me a console

Protip: PS Direct is coming into stock again tonight. You can bypass the cuck queue by hitting ESC right after the page begins to load, since it redirects you to the queue page.

You're welcome.

>Learn how to script
you didn't write a script you LARPing faggot, you used one someone else made


;) hey if it works it works

this. i don't have time for bot shenanigans and 2x resellers. hard pass

I don’t know why you think your opinion is relevant to the topic at hand



Scalpers are faggots

Don't be jealous you missed out.

>Congratulations on making money by reselling something you had no participation in creating or even marketing! Go fuck yourself!

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