
>algorithm is designed to keep you at ~1 K/D and ~1 WR regardless of your skill
>patents literally describe the process in the same language casinos use
>all the effort and struggle of ranked ladder pro league but with the vaneer of it just being a casual pick up game
>your stats are meaningless and everything you do is meangingless. the algorithm will send you to equilibrium literally no matter what you do or how good or stupid you play
>unironically designed for children and low IQ people to feel good about themselves and spend money on cosmetics and "feel bad ass."
why do you put up with this Zig Forums ?

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to shoost the other team and watch the numbers go PSHEOEWOOW TUNDLDUNDUNLDL

I only played mw1 lol

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SBMM is a myth, you're just shit

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How does the algorithm keep you at 1KD? Match you will killers the moment you go too high and idiots if too low?

he's a shitter and he's coping

Attached: Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War 2020.10.15 - (1280x720, 2.97M)

Don't give a shit about the MP. How good is the campaign? Any real life events twists like MW with the highway bombings?

Communism bad, communism subvertion in the USA, MKULTRA, 9/11& Patriot Act hinted at

Oh and also Operation Fracture Jaw

is there anything more pathetic than cod players complaining about having to play with people at the same skill level?

>hardcore free for all
Lmfao, people who play hardcore are shit.

Wow you really thought you did something

>make pubs have strict SBMM
>no ranked play
Yes, people rightly do complain.

Modern Warfare is the exact same. Anyone still playing the series is obviously okay with this style of matchmaking.

CoD has been this way for at least a decade. This isn't anything new. If anons continue to buy it, they already know what they're getting.

Play your first game of the day, win it easily with a 22/3 KD, then play something else.

Also KD apparently got turned into elim/deaths

1v1 me

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why is a Reagan cameo so controversial while no one cared about JFK in BO1?

I haven't played since blops 1. I only really want to try the zoombies. Is it worth it to put battlenet on my computer?

Because republican presidents are literally hitler

Because BO1 was released in 2010. It was literally another time

>>algorithm is designed to keep you at ~1 K/D and ~1 WR regardless of your skill
so it has great matchmaking???? what's your point????

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nigga starcraft/brood war is free why don't you have just for that bud

If you really want to play zombies then sure I guess. Every other area of the game will probsbly disappoint you if you haven't played since then.

Reagan is the devil and hated black ppl
Plus We are living post-2014 so everything is controversion

Shitters want to play against kids and disabled people who just bought their first FPS game ever It's pathetic

The main complaint I see is once you start doing well you got thrown into super try hard lobbies. And it feels useless trying because the results are always the same. Old CODs put people of all different skills levels in matches and just balanced the teams so there was a lot more variety in the types of games you would see.

Republican man bad, muh iran contra is the Holocaust , CIA keepin a brotha down with all this crack, etc

Is the campaign any good?


Didn't flood niggerhoods with crack once.

Also the complaint isn't just playing with good players but that they're all camping and using only meta guns.

Hardcore is made for people who can't rely on reaction times and movement. You are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to FPS games.

12 year old gfuel addicts hit better clips then your shit lmfao