Well Zig Forums how DO you explain it?

Well Zig Forums how DO you explain it?

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The most I have spent on a game in the past 5 years is $20

It's a permanent purchase, something you can go back to if you desire to experience it again, you don't have to spend that much every single time you want your "fix". Granted $80 is overpriced for a game, but it's hardly comparable to how much you'd spend on a single ounce of weed.

these same people pay that much for some mexican to cut their lawn. meh

I remember my mom giving me shit for spending paychecks on videogames when a new game was 50$
She stopped when I pointed out how much she spends on cigarettes per year.

Probably a mom who sits on her phone playing mobile games or reading facebook, watching tv for 5 hours every night, and drinking coffee or diet coke every day too

The son is obviously stupid and in the wrong since you shouldn't buy a game priced over 50 dollars ever.

There is a solution for this problem.
Watch Children of the Corn.

Average movie ticket in the US is $9 but the average length of a movie is 2 to 3 hours. Most modern games can last you 40 to 100 hours, depending, so for x9 the price you get 20 times the entertainment value, or more.

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Boy, just get gamepass. You'll get bored of a game after 20 hours.

Very long videogames are not remotely as entertaining as a good 2 hour movie, in fact they are usually not as entertaining as short games either.

"look sweetie as soon as you move out of my house and make your own god damn money feel free to spend it in any way you want
now gtfo and ride your bike for an hour, you fat FUCK"
At least that's what my mom used to tell me

I thought games were supposed to he 69.99 now?

Unironically based parenting.

Just don't play shitty games.

i'd buy drugs if they weren't unhealthy as fuck

tell him to pirate it

Explain the science of dopamine and that you get the same high from exercise and learning cool shit.

everything is addicting and everything is a drug
now choose your drug and fuck off

>Most modern games can last you 40 to 100 hours
That's not the normal you corp dick mongler.
Most games now a days, especially AAA are at most 10 - 20 hours unless you decide to go for 100%. Only RPG's and certain titles are actually 40 hours on average. As a matter of fact, there has been a huge push to lower that amount by a lot lately. I'm sure you've seen the shills saying "they're rather have a meaning full 5 hours of gameplay" than longer games. Which is conditioning to accept when they start selling you 3 hours games for $80

kinda based desu
if I was a parent I dunno if I'd let my kid play games
older games are one thing but newer games are some brainrotting garbage because they're so intertwined with the political climate and filled with greedy bullshit

i don't know, i spent 7k on various gachas this year

>buy son VPN/Seedbox
>buy son PC
>tell son importance of a dollar
>let son go to town
it's not that hard

you don't get it.
zoomers don't play single player shit they play multiplayer FOTM crap

parents probably felt the same way about videogames back then except instead of the political climate it was "games are teaching my kid to rape and murder and smoke crack and have gay sex and worship satan"

A game which has a sticker price of $80 is not likely to be one of "bad" addictive ones. Those are always free to install.

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He's right though. Buying an $80 game the instant it releases is degenerate. Just pirate or wait for 75% off

Bitch can't even debate her son. Needs validation and help from the very people that brainwashed her. Hey at least she didn't mention anything about toxic masculinity.

Don't explain anything. Children need to answer to parental authority, you don't need to explain yourself. You don't ever want to be "on the child's level" when it comes to parenting, or they will exploit it and weaponize it against you.

user drugs are good for you

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based and redpilled unironically, the jews dont want you to know the truth but drugs give you superpowers