Made it to Ice Caves for the first time

>Made it to Ice Caves for the first time
>Have nothing but a parachute
>Slip and fall
>Hit ground, immediately dead, dead body bounces so high the parachute deploys

You know guys I'm starting to feel like this is a bad game.

Spelunky 2 Thread

Attached: 3736092-spelunky2_review_site[1].jpg (1214x933, 781.83K)

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Never played but it sounds like you suck cope

fucking died against osiris because like a retard I sat on a chain and let anubis summon monsters until a vampire spawned, and he summoned witch doctors which hit me with curse and I fell to my death
fucking god damn it

I made it to Cosmic Ocean but I only had a cape, then I got a really big level and couldn't find all the orbs and died to the jellyfish.

Felt a bit underwhelming, at least I made it there again.

>Vlad's castle
>No Horsing
>Vlad telefrags himself into bedrock
>No cape


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>Get to Vlad's castle with a jetpack and 13 health and a torch
>Decide to go up with both because I can use the torch to farm for blood
>Throw torch at bonepile
>It bounces off and back at me
>2 damage, down to 11
>Jetpack is set on fire and explodes, dealing 11 damage

>Reach SC with the bow after weeks of trying
>This happens

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karma for not doing the sun challenge

I've tried this a couple of times. I always die before reaching the spot.

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What the fuck how do you get to ice caves with nothing? Are you doing a no gold run or something?

Just the way things rolled out

>Swear off doing dice ever again cause shit keeps going wrong with it
>Tusk has something I crucially need
>Ok maybe just this once
>Rolling dice
>For some reason, Ana picks up the already rolled dice
>Throw it
>Throwing the rolled dice at unrolled dice for some fucking reason aggros Tusk and Guard
>Lose Ankh
I'm so tired of this game, I don't know why I keep playing

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>for some fucking reason
It was because you rolled a dice you already rolled. That's cheating, and will piss off gambling parlor owners.

the farthest I got is 3-3 lmao. This game is too hard

After 40 or so hours I finally beat Tiamat.
9 hours later I beat Hundun.

Feels really nice.

Also I feel like Derek should fix dice rolls.

If you roll one that you've already rolled into a forcefield the AI gets pissed at you.

Disregard then. I guess that makes sense.

It really confused me the first few times it happened.

How many hours are you at?


7-35 is my PB lads. I want 7-99 so badly.


>Caveman Shopkeeper
>Sells pot for 50
>Pot has 1200 blue gem inside

Does this guy know something I don't?

I just died on 7-1 after getting the arrow because I threw a sticky bomb at one of those eyeball things, it stuck to it, then it stuck to me and I died.

Completely idiotic death, completely on me for being straight up just fucking stupid. I wasn't even in a rush, I had almost a full minute left until the ghost came. I literally feel my face getting warmer as I'm typing this, I'm so frustrated and angry with myself, god fucking dammit. God fucking dammit. GOD FUCKING DAMMIT WHY AM I SO FUCKING STUPID HOLY SHIT

fucking why


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just cook a bomb my guy

>Fire scepter at sorceress
>Crush block comes flying at me
>Crushes the sorceress
>Scepter blast goes zooming off offscreen
>Straight to Tun
>Tun later kills me in the Ice Caves

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this is why i stay 300m away from any broken block in sunken city until it respawns
fuck those things, seriously

I think Crocmen should spawn in a rate similar to the Witchdoctors in the jungle, As in there aren't any in 4-1 but there will be increasingly more by 4-4

They're such ridiculous enemies, they chase you so accurately, telefrag you perfectly, hit for two damage, and can barely even be damaged.

He's trying to evolve economics give him a break

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>no dames in the sequel
for what purpose?

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This is why you should be paranoid of spikes too, never know where you might find a skeleton

Why did they change his name to Horsing?

there are 10 playable girls and 6 npc girls in the game
plenty of dames