The last “WTF?!" moment you had while playing

>Restart the game from the beginning to get a skill to help a specific NPC
>NPC attacks you because you saved it from dying

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Who this

twilight sparkle

Miko from Glitch Techs. Hapa Gamer Girl who's friends with a spic boy

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Happened in the Incredibles and Kino no Tabi.

Fuck that pony! Wait,no!


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Praise the sun!

Really nice chara design

t. barneyfag

>You can pet the dog in AC Valhalla

I helped suck poison from a dudes leg in rdr2 and he bought me any item I wanted from the gun store.

some BMC slut

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Really nice hips design

Unf, why is her ass so fat?

Hungry girl.

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Shes a braphog

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>Look it up
>the creator previously made Fanboy and ChumChum
Man, what a redemption arc. Is this any good?

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Has there ever been an actually good cartoon about video games? Aside from Miko the show was ok at best.

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It's fun
It does have some US GAMERS references but they are passable.

Is it still airing?

What a cunt

its an online streaming service only show. most cartoons are that nowadays

It's Netflix only iirc. 2 seasons and second season ended in a cliffhanger.
Don't know if there will be a third one.

No it got cancelled for Nick's new strategy.

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Not really. Nick pulled the plug on the show a long time ago and just dumped the episodes to Netflix. So there's a huge cliffhanger ending.

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Doug Funnie had to settle for azn when things didn't work out with Patti

What game was OP talking about?

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>one character design that saved the show
Miko a best

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