Cyberpunk 2077 is just Gaas

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Something about this screen just doesn't feel comfy at all.

This isn't real, right ?

Looks about as good as w3 menu ui. Was hoping for a dead space type ui.

The gun looks off and the shirt he is wearing doesnt match the icon

Its the colors on the items, subconsciously you know its going to be some retarded shit where a pistol is better than a rifle because the pistol is purple.

it's soulless

>borderlands loot system

annnnd it's shit, kek

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modern UIs are all the same soulless ugly shits

>shitty Witcher 3 UI with no names
>blured to fuck modern vidya character
>stats are super generic damage type resist


Gonna make a corpo girl that looks like this
Get on my level scrubs

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what? who thought this was a good idea?

>asserting that your personal taste on subjective matters is somehow going to make you superior to other people doing the exact same thing.

Hey guys look I found the retarded nigger loving faggot lmao.

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>shitty witcher3 style item icons and inventory system
but why?

> Thinks trannies at CD:PR will let any CUTE woman in the game

>the shirt he is wearing doesnt match the icon
are you blind or just retarded?

It looks like a chinese trash game

>you now remember that because of how the Witcher 3 menu was coded, each time you open it, it would generate new code for pre-existing items, compiling on itself and eventually lowering the menu navigation's performance

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>It has a Diablo loot drop system


Whats diablo

Brah, long hair on females is not very pog.
It makes them look all feminine and stuff, y'all.

So this is like GTA, but pretending to be an RPG

don't care, still buying it

Jesus act like less of a cunt, dont come back till your off your period.

Don't you have a phone?

That menu looks awful

I dislike the clothes, its all zoomer garbage.

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have there been anymore perks and shit leaked the past month? I want to see what they're like to see what sort of build I want to focus on

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>chemical resistance
What's this one about, how many drugs can you take like in Witcher 3?

Attached: Martyr Screenshot 2020.04.23 - (1920x1080, 1.65M)

i doubt you even know what that means

Of course the fashion will cater to the target audience

Credit where credit is due, I like that they gave us more than one outfit slot to work with, instead on having just one "skin" slot.

Literally everything else tho...

I just love inventories where I have to mouseover items to see their relevant stats!

Lol, enjoy your reskinned witcher 3 CDkeks

I bet that third jacket from the left looks fucking great though