Explain why you hate League of Legends

Explain why you hate League of Legends.

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MOBAs aren't fun

ASSFAGGOTS aren't fun

FARTS aren't fun.

No buzzwords, give me actual reasons.

I dont like minecraft

There are better games to play that don't require as steep of a learning curve.

ASSFAGGOTS I know but what is FARTS? something Action RTS?

it's not on console yet

...but I do like it

Games last too long. Team games are frustrating. Low skill ceiling for most characters. Would rather get good at something else

the people that play it are absolute massive faggots towards each other and rage over everything


Yawn, I thought you guys were better at this.

I just don't like MOBAS bro

"gameplay" is literally 5 buttons with mobile phone level movement

There is nothing redeeming about it. A complex meta does not equate to good gameplay.

Fortress Assault Real Time Strategy
It's a member of an unfun genre. I don't hate it but I don't want to play it.

Mobile phone games gross far better than literally any other variety, that isn't a downside. How is accessibility a downside?

Then why answer? You don't matter nor does your opinion

> implying subjective criticisms aren't valid
Most discussion on the philosophy of aesthetics from the past 300 years is predicated on the subjective experience. Please read a book user.

>Yawn, I thought you guys were better at this
This a competition for you? Your thread is shit and sound like a faggot.

i played from S3 to S5 and saw it become completely fucking dumb
the day they added free trinkets for supports because "whaaa low rank supports dont do their job" killed it for me. you dont just make the game easier for shit players

The game is a miserable mess meant to be addictive not rewarding or sustainable
>first 15min spent killing fucking pve health bars
>15-25mins is who snowballs
>25-end of game is who fucks up the most
games are both too long and too short for the effort to be worth it

MOBAS would be way more fun if you could move with wasd

>Mobile phone games gross far better than literally any other variety, that isn't a downside. How is accessibility a downside?
>implying whether a game sells a lot is related to gameplay or quality in any way
Aight mate I guess nigger rappers are the epitome of musical quality

live service

it's bad and not good

Already moving goalposts?
I think when my friends explained it best when they tried to get me to play
>If you lose feel like shit and if you win you feel nothing

because people like you play them

>fun is a buzzword

>literally click to move
Unironically kill yourself for even baiting about this

every single critisism is objective user thats how opinions and tastes work

Because I played it everyday for 8 years now and I'm done. The game is not the same it once was. Game fucking sucks now that's all. You wouldn't understand because you don't play League, you just shitpost on Zig Forums. Somehow that's even more pathetic than giving a Chinese company your life.

i don't hate the game, i hate the dogshit developers who rack in massive amounts of money barely improving a game and the community is okay with it

Reminder that it's okay for Riot to:
outright delete old champions instead of modernizing them
release fundamentally broken and unbalanceable champions who will plague the entire game for YEARS
have literal bronze/silver players design champions
force champions in one role and one role only and massively nerf them just so they are not viable in any other role but their designed one
enforce the meta
release skins every month for the same popular characters while ignoring less popular ones for YEARS
massively powercreep older champions with newer ones
ignore massive problem with feeders and leavers while STILL punishing people for saying le bad words
never listen to any criticism and fall back to 'small indie studio please understand"

and don't get me started on Seraphine and everything surrounding her

tl;dr Riot is a fucking disgusting company who made an actual decent game yet they try to run it into the ground

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>Mindless hater is a racist

Thank god you people are obsoleted.

Why are mobas so slow? I have some gamer friends who wanted me to play HotS with them, but I just kept charging in because PvE is boring and I was a tank. They stopped wanting to play in online matches with me. They will only play against CPUs if I'm playing with them.

I don't hate it, I just don't want to play it.

>getting addicted and playing a shitty browser flash game tier trash game to the point that you feel nostalgic about it


Because all mobas are skinnerboxes
They're not good, they're not well made and you'll most likely feel you're wasting your time.
And the tragedy happens when you win one just one match; you suddenly feel all that dopamine flowing through your body and decide to play again, enduring the repetitive gameplay, the disgusting community and the slugfest just to win again.

This is why people who have 3k+ hours will say the game is awful and YET they still play it.

I don't like MOBAs and I don't lik RTS
People and friends looked at me odd when I said that and they tried to make me like it, but I just don't get any enjoyment from it. Why force it? I beat warcraft 3 once, but it was more of an annoyance then fun. Liked the lore though

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i know this is a bait thread, but moba games are the absolute worst thing you could dedicate your game time to beaten only by actual gacha shit. Theyre not even 1/4 as fun as they are frustrating

league of legends in particular is extremely shallow, filled to the brink with jewish standard cosmetics instead of good updates that focused on the abyssmal gameplay that both Dota 2, heroes of the storm and smite absolutely destroy league in, and only got popular due to being the first thing to ride off the back of DotA

they had ELEVEN YEARS to make an intuitive, easy to get into, fun, quick and passionate moba experience, but no, they make everything so incredibly lazily that to this day they still havent updated some champion's skill icons that look pulled straight out of warcraft, and i mean carbon copied from 2000s blizzard. animations look like UTTER shit even on brand new champions and you cant fucking tell what the enemy is doing because theres no thought put into distinction and readability retards will still give it heaps of money though, just like every faggot that pays for free games when they could be getting better experiences almost anywhere else

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liking popular things doesn't make you interesting, grow up and get some fucking taste.

I am an interesting person therefore I hate popular things

I'd still hate it even if it wasn't popular.

the business model is garbage and made video games worse by simply existing, dota's business model is simply infinitely superior (the game also is, even though its getting worse)

because it's popular

Because unless you play with a fully premade team with common goals, you're bound to end up having a negative overall experience.
Skilled based
matchmaking means that in the long run you will win around 50% of your games. Losses with toxic teammates leave a bad taste that one or two wins don't rub off.
If I want to play LeBlanc with 6 Rod of Ages I want to have fun and not Szymon spamming the chat for everyone to report me for feeding.
What about having time to only play one game, only having to ff at 20 because someone started trolling?
I didn't even bring up lane calling in solo q (normal or competitive) , which is enough of a reason to quit playing this game altogether.

Sure it has nothing to do with being interesting. Its about not being a simp.

Ah yeah, lego rock raiders and cossacks probably made me hate RTS the way I do

I played for like 10 minutes and didn't enjoy it. Liking popular things doesn't make you an interesting person either.

>played a ton of WC3 in high school
>oh cool, the guys that made DOTA All-Stars made a new game, its called League of Legends
>play beta through full release and a bit into the first season or 2
>devs go full retard
>have to depend on 4 other retards on your team to not be retarded (theyre going to be retarded)

It was fun for a while with friends but ASSFAGGOTS is garbage now and has been for a while.

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>League of Legends
congratulations on escaping from your coma, kirby-kun!

>liking popular things doesn't make you interesting, grow up and get some fucking taste.

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W-wait... is that emergent gameplay... ohhhhh oh nooooo, IM LOSING MY MIIIIIND OHHHHHH FUCK NOOOO
*nerfs and adjusts everything so you play as the developers wanted you to play*

I don't like having to click constantly to move and I'm not competitive so i don't like pvp

I don't, it's just boring to play without friends. I can't hate Riot when they are one of the few companies that actually make not P2W F2P experiences. Valorant and League are completely fair and in LoR you can get a full collection without spending a dime and barely playing half an hour a day. Their design philosophy and competitive stance is good. Hate the characters, hate the disney artstyle, whatever. I just care about the gameplay and design philosophy and they are good.

Shit balance
Shit client
Inconsistent design style
Depending on teamates = shitty experience
Weekly updates that don't allow normal players and pros to acomodate to the meta
>"muh subjective"
No sane person finds fun on being CCd for 5 seconds or getting killed before they can blink. I don't hate it because I'm not obligated to play it, but the only way of having fun is by trolling, I fucking wish normals were more like TF2s.

>I fucking wish normals were more like TF2s.
what do you mean?

I've played since early 2010, just moved on to other games desu.

1. the devs aren't interested in making the game balanced, they apply unnecessary buffs and nerfs specifically to unbalance the game for the purpose of change and "excitement", as well as buffing characters right before they get new skins, and buffing popular flagship characters for advertising purposes
2. the game has been neutered over the years to make it more streamlined, accessible, and mainstream. Builds and stats have gotten less and less important, individual skill has gotten less and less important. It's less important to manage mana and wards, and while characters have flashier and more exciting abilities, it has turned the game into a keyboard slam competition. Nuance and strategy are gone.
3. the devs don't want you to play in any way other than how they want. There are no more builds like AP yi, you either play the one way the devs want, or you can't play. Individual power is also reduced. It's harder and harder to win a game by playing well, but anyone can lose a game by playing badly. Most games are decided in champion selection based on who has better composition, so long as one team doesn't just have a feeder.

I fucking hate Kirby.
All of his games are painfully mediocre and forgettable and he only sells because of aa kawaiii~ uwu kirby-chan so kyutte bullshit
If you like him you're either a female, a tumblr faggot, a nostalgiafag who won't let go of the past or a smashie

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Huh, that's weird. I thought I put League of Legends and your picture in my filters before.
Woe is me! I'll correct that.
Thanks for the informative post. You will help enhance my Zig Forums experience, OP.

You asked for people's subjective opinions.
>Explain why """you""" hate League of Legends.

>entire meta is fucked and devs keep adding more unbalanced characters and then nerf them to the point of being useless
>bias towards popular characters,meaning they get a lot of skins while unpopular ones get at least one if they are lucky
>a fanbase so toxic it would make Pokemon blush

I dunno I was just never interested and it sounds like they got pozzed ever since they went the e-sports route so eh

The game gets patched constantly, nerfing and buffing champs at whim. New champions are 90% time broken at launch so people buy them to get advantage over others.
Reworks ruin characters, and like new characters, they are forced to specific roles.
The game also takes itself comically serious, erasing the old fun lore of the game.
Also there are only two types of games, those that are horrible struggles and steamrolls. It feels horrible to lose and rarely good to win.
The game also streamlined many mechanics like removing runes.
Before it was cancerous F2P MTX hell, now it is cancerous F2P mtx lootbox hell.
Taric rework was a mistake, as well as ward limit.
There is some, but I think you will call it buzzwords and stuff.

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i love the shit out of the kirby games i got to play (i never was a nintendo player so i didnt have much access to them besides the SNES and emulators recently). its cool how you can eat things and mix and match abilities and absorb powers it felt like a kid's fantasy of having all this freedom and possibilities in a fantasy world and you just wonder what you can do with the powers and what eating an enemy will give you

the cute aesthetic NEVER appealed to me, the games are just really fun in a simple way man. sure theres some zoomies who drape themselves in for pink kirby cute uguu aesthetic while being rotten degenerates irl but kirby didnt succeed because of them, it succeeded because the gameplay is fun

ASSFAGGOTS btfod once again

>"give me objective reasons why this casual game that changes it's design all the time is bad"

>"Explain why you hate League of Legends"

If you want game design analysis on a casual game that's neither good or bad because they keep changing the core gameplay and metagame weekly, why do you ask people to explain their subjective feelings towards the game? OP is a faggot and sticks pencils up his own uretra.

>asks for a subjective answer
>gets one
>deeeah subjective criticism
top tier drooling retard

I used to play it in high school. It was a fun time. Then my roommate in college got me into Dota 2 and it was game over. League has absolutely horrid design compared to Dota in every single category. Flexibility in playstyle and item builds, better hero design, better graphics, more kills/action, not pay to win (looking at you, rune pages), better in-game spectator client, literally every fucking thing about Dota is better. I still think League is a great game, I can just never go back.