Should i buy Royal or the original version still sufice? What are the differences between the two?

Should i buy Royal or the original version still sufice? What are the differences between the two?

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Royal if you can, otherwise P5 is OK
they've added lots of shit

OG is Soul
Royal is soulless

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If you haven't played P5 yet and you have access to a PS4 then go with Royal, it's the definitive version

no downsides to royal aside from a pussified localization team removing all keks from the phan-site messages and some minor things

What are the new things? Do they change the story or ir it just filler?

You can spoil anything, kinda know the story cause of the anime.

Royal is superior in every way. People were mixed about Golden because of Marie, but Royal doesn't have anyone like that and adds worthwhile content.

The original is like ten bucks. Royal is full price

OG has more style but makes zero sense in the story.
>why are haru and makoto presented as futaba’s lackeys?
>why does haru have a completely different personality?
>why does futaba, haru, and makoto have 2 seconds of screentime?
>why does goro have zero screentime?
The focus on Ann, Ryuji, and Yusuke is really strange. It’s like they didn’t have half the game written when they made the OP.

oh, really? I played P5 once on PS3 at release, was hoping back then that they would release the "Royal" content as DLC and I wouldn't be stuck with the original denouement (which desu had me stop playing the game in the final dungeon).

But the localisation of P5 was fucking legendary. It felt alive to the moment with the "kek", "wat is fantom thief", etc. If they changed that shit shame on them, nothing in Royal draws me to buying the game again.

It isn’t. It’s like 30$ everywhere and some places cheaper.

Nah he’s bullshitting you. I’ve definitely seen kek in Royal and Mishima and Futaba still say it.

Go straight to Royal. Tons of new content and tweaks. Although most of the new content is all at the very end of the game with new palace, new Phantom Thieves members and 3rd tier persona evolutions. Mementos has new content, older palaces have new areas, there are new social links, personas, costumes, places to to hang out, etc.
Seriously don't play Vanilla, go straight to Royal. It's the superior version in every way. Also higher resolution and lower latency, so menus are faster.

>The focus on Ann, Ryuji, and Yusuke is really strange
Personally game would have been better if they stopped added party members after them. Too much padding on party member new dungeon then repeat.

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The final boss is the bald politician, rght? Royal goes beyond that?

Final boss in Vanilla is a god of control.

They were the main 4 in advertising pre release and build up

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Mkay, maybe in another few years when it gets a PC release (l o l) and I have more nostalgia for P5 I'll give it a shot. The original is a very nostalgic experience for me already, just a great 100+ hour RPG sure don't make 'em like they used to.

Meant for

Is he still the final boss in royal?

Where the fuck are you looking?
I've been waiting all year for it to hit 30 because that's all a dlc pack is worth

Royal is better narratively and QoL are worth it if you're going to be investing how ever many hours it takes you to beat.

I need to buy Royal but my autism won't let me buy anything that isn't that steelbook.

Royal. There's a LOT of QOL changes that just make the game more enjoyable and there's a new final boss that is a thousand times better written than the final boss of the original game (mind you, you don't miss out on the original final boss, the new one just comes afterwards in the "post game"). It is more expensive but considering it easily passes 100 hours in play time, it is absolutely worth it.

What's the best difficulty setting for Royal?

Spoil the story, please

Hard just due to how modifiers work in Merciless.

Based, have a snack

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If you're talking about fake Igor, than yes, all of that still happens, but Royal pushes the story into January where a secret final palace is revealed and you fight a twist villain who's actually not just a cartoon caricature of the theme of the game

Wait for PC release

I will never forgive Atlus for making us wait all them years just to tell me I was beta testing.
I expected a rerelease where it was something added on at the end or a femc.
Not them fixing plotholes and shit throughout the game and then no way for OG fans to even get a discount for it.

Utter scumbags

Okay? Chie, Yosuke, Teddie, and Yukiko were used for advertising. But Naoto, Kanji, and Rise still has their time to shine in the OP.
It’s been on sale multiple times.

The discount is you waiting and drinking until the game drops in price and you've forgotten more about the original game. It works.

>adding a new ending is betatesting
They didn’t touch the OG story you retard.

>a femc.
I was glad she didn't turn out to be a FeMC despite how hard some people were screaming about it when Royal was announced.

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Is the "Greatest Hits" price not 10 bucks? How much it is for you guys?

Royal here is full price. Converted in Brazilliam dollars makes it expensive as fuck, so i'm thinking of buying the original. If the changes are like the changes in Golden, than i wouldn't mind so much. I just don't wanna to feel like i've missed something important.

Maruki and everything related to him is unironically the best content in the entire persona series. Get Royal for sure. Its a big step up.

Royal is better in virtually everyway. If you're going to spend roughly a hundred hours on a game, you many as well cough up the extra money and get the definitive version.

I was told they changed a lot of shit in the core game unless shills were lying
I heard she's irrelevant except the end of the game, even more disappointing for someone shilled as her

>The snacks he gives you slowly poison you after every social link

> I just don't wanna to feel like i've missed something important.
The new arc they add is legitimately the best one in the entire game along with the best antagonist in the franchise.
She has scenes through out the entire game, but her time doesn't come until the new arc.

Of the stuff added in Royal or the original game? For Royal: Near the beginning of the game, a new guidance counselor named Maruki comes to your school offering therapy for students affected by the first boss. You can choose to hang out with him, and he helps you strengthen your mental state in return for you helping him with a paper he's writing. If you choose to max out your relationship with him, then he gets enough info from you to finish his paper, and he leaves the school before the original game's climax. A few days after you beat the original final boss, you wake up in an alternate reality created by Maruki where he is basically God. The thing is, his world is pretty much objectively better because he used his powers to grant the deepest wishes of the entire party, but this "perfect reality" is in direct contrast to the belief of the party and everything they've fought for, so they have to take him down and return to the true one. It makes for a really good final 15 hours and works a lot better than the original final boss, which you still do get to experience anyway so it's not like you're missing out./spoiler]

They added new scenes but they didn’t change anything in the base vanilla story. All the new scenes pertain to a new story revolving around Kasumi, Maruki, and Akechi.

Well how does Makoto and Haru not sitting there not make sense anyways? They're not the type to be acting dramatically as the others

The vanilla story is still there in it's entirety, they only added new stuff to it, and that new stuff is unironically the best part.
The changes are way more significant than in Golden. Royal is worth the price.

>They're not the type to be acting dramatically as the others.
You’re literally talking about the two characters that go

I left out some important details so it might not make that much sense or sound that cool, but in the game it works really well.

If you haven't played it yet there's no reason not to play Royal. It's so much better. The new part they added is much better than most of the stuff in the original game.

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Original is unplayable after royal.

Fuck... This is actually good.

P5 is fine, but Royal just has.. more. If you hav the option it doesn't make sense to me to not get it. Unless you want to play it twice to see the differences or something.

You can change the difficulty at any time and its not tied to any achievements

get og, royal is stupidly easy, its almost a joke.

only problem with royal is that it makes an easy game even easier

>playing a hundred hour story game for the gameplay
are you fucking stupid

Royal's opening isn't designed to replace the original. It's like the encore

P5R was my first Persona game and playing on normal was a challenge but it never felt unfair, so that's a good place to start if you're new to the series. However, I'm replaying it now on merciless and it isn't so bad so if you have experience with this series or just fancy yourself good at JRPGs, you might wanna play on higher difficulty.

Just play from hard immediately. The difficulty is the same as other persona games in that the hardest parts are near the start and the game becomes much easier near the end. But for P5R that was on hard, so normal was probably way too easy

it adds like 20-30 more hours of story my dude