Nobody fucking remembers this generic boring derivitive yet another retro inspired 2d platformer

nobody fucking remembers this generic boring derivitive yet another retro inspired 2d platformer
the only reason people still talk about it in 2020 is cuz the faggot fame hungry dev just HAD to be MUH CELESTE TRANSXDDD cuz he couldnt bear the fact his game is forgettable flash in the pan garbage
nice fucking "10 /10 best game of the decade" you have here

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And it works. People like you getting riled up about it is just a bonus to them.

but you're not, like, mad about it or anything

you're just jealous because you aren't as gay as the dev

I hope faggot dev enjoys the money while he can before his inevitable suicide
go back

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the left keep pushing it, you can get the same experience from super meatboy without all the identity stuff.

rent free

It has maybe one level I’d replay and that it. Most of them have some really tedious mechanic in them.

I don't really know shit about this game, but indie pixelshit is overrated in general desu. Just do something new! Learning how to model and animate in 3D is free! Cutting edge software is free too!

It's a fun game. Shame about the tranny shit.

At least that game has a style that's more original than pixelshit. Yeah sure it's just Newgrounds animation but that's still better.

it's one of the most popular speedgames

This. It really didn't add anything to the game, it just made its public image worse.

It all makes sense now.

wow tranny game popular with trannies????

Celeste is pretty much unplayable because it's based around double-jumps but it pauses for a few frames every time you double-jump, making your think the game has hard locked until it resumes again. Completely unacceptable.

No. Celeste threads have trannybait in the op so they get bumped by retards. That's the only reason and the game's really good.

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you're the only idiot who thinks this

Imagine if there were threads on resetera every few days praising the game for trans representation. Wouldn't that be weird?

Wasnt this nominated for GOTY at TGA that year?

Pretty good game. Filters shiters and triggers retards. 10/10 It's perfect.

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oh boy another thread where closeted trannies and tranny chasers overcompensate by attacking trannies before they get bored and masturbate to trannies which they call "traps" to delude themselves into believing they dont like trannies

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you will never be a woman

there are plenty of guys who will treat me like one anyway. keep your dictionary ill take happiness

Just beat it a week ago, it didnt had any tranny shit on it, what are you talking about?

you will never be a woman
you will never be loved by a real man
you will never have children
you will never be happy
you will never fit in
you will always be an outsider
you will always be alone
you will always be a freak of nature
you will never be a woman

Total disagree there.
I know you’re too bad at platformers to actually play it but you might actually find you enjoying yourself like I did.

I agree Madeline getting shadowed trans’d by the devs was wild shit, but that doesn’t make the game any less great.

It was EASILY the best platformer to come out that year, and the aesthetics and thematics of the game don’t decide that.

No, they won’t.
You are no-where near what you want to be and never will be.

they see you as a pet, as a ridiculous loony who can be exchanged by brownie points to boost their fag egos, you are being used
>if I tell that mentally ill guy that he is a woman people will praise me for how amazing and tolerant I am