Fuck this boomer piece of shit game, man. Fuck it

Fuck this boomer piece of shit game, man. Fuck it.

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This is what I hate about retro games like this.
They start pretty smoothly, they're fun, they're decently challenging, they got the nice retro pixel art and music, but then once you're near the end of the game they hit you with absolute fucking bullshit like this. Seriously, what is this? Fucking pixel perfect jumps on these platforms so you don't fall down. They don't even give you a second to react, to jump again.

It's bad enough that you don't land in the stairs if you try jumping into them, but at least I can look that over. This is just... bullshit. It ain't fun. It's tedious and stressful. How did you boomers deal with shit like this back in the day, I got no idea.

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Literally the easiest classicvania, you must be complete dogshit to be getting upset at it

It's still better than Shitlines.

I'm bad at castlevania and this was the one I did beat. Get good

Got gud.

I'm personally against IGAvanis: Symphony of the Shit, Circle of the Shit, Shit of Sorrow, Shit of Dissonance, etc.

Just use rewind, bro, so ez haha

The Sorrow games (while the best) are the most casual imo.

Edgy kiddo.

Not classicvanias.


What? It’s a forgiving game. Not easy, but pretty forgiving. Play the first 3 and come back.

I consider the Iga games a separate franchise or a spin off. I also prefer them.


I specifically mentioned classicvanias, you brought up metroidvanias. I'm not saying one is better than the other, but they're distinctly different and comparing them makes no sense.

And people say that SCIV is too easy, apparently not.

circle is not by iga retard.

>but then once you're near the end of the game they hit you with absolute fucking bullshit like this.

That's level 4. There's 11 levels in the game. You are nowhere close to the end.

>Literally the easiest classicvania
Maybe if you don't try to 1CC it. I found it harder to 1CC than the first game and Chronicles.

I have a feeling OP isn't trying to 1CC it

How come Symphony of the Night is the only game in this series worth playing?

The classic games are too outdated, and everything that came after Symphony just feels like a downgraded version of that game.
What happened? Was SotN a fluke?

Symphony is too easy to be enjoyable.

Sonic 2 was a fluke too. It's not so hard to believe.

>The classic games are too outdated
No they aren't. But I agree that everything after SOTN feels like a downgrade of SOTN. It has mostly to do with the games having lower resolutions as opposed to having higher.

the most kino soundtrack on SNES

Dude this is like the easiest Classicvania

Is Rondo good? I heard it's the best "classic"vania

Imagine not playing Castlevania 64 instead.
No motorcycle spooky bois for you!

why are you gay

Its excellent

it's great yeah

It's good but way overhyped. It's only so beloved because it was unavailable to the majority of the world for so long. It was this "legendary" game that only a few people got to play during the 90's so it became highly sought after and praised. Also because the rest of the world got a SNES downgrade port called Dracula X, people were frothing at the mouth to play the "real" version.

Then people got to play it through Emulation, the Wii virtual console, the PSP remake that included the original and the PS4 Double pack with Symphony. Turns out it was pretty good, but not the second coming of Christ that it was made out to be in the 90's

I don't really like Castlevania 4 either, pales in comparison to Rondo of Blood, and Akumajou Dracula X68000 is the most soulful version of Castlevania 1 (albeit painfully easy),

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