Easter egg found in Tomodachi Life that no one's ever noticed, and only I know about

So, basically, do any of you guys remember the 3DS? If so, you must remember one of the most popular games on the system, "Tomodachi Life", a game made in 2013 and was discontinued in 2014, and it has an easter egg in it that I've recently found. So, basically, for you guys and gals who haven't heard of it, basically, it's like if Animal Crossing, The Sims, and Miis had a baby, basically, it's a Life Simulator game with Miis; But, for those of you who've had heard of it, let me explain the easter egg. So, basically, you know how there's Interiors, and Clothing Accesories, and Photos you can make in Photo Studio? Well, those things is where the easter egg takes place. The easter egg is this: So, there's a Clothing Accessory in the game called: "Sweatshirt", and when a Mii wears it, the shirt says this on the front of it: "Mii WEAR Since 1889", and there's another Clothing Accessory in the game called: "Oversized jersey", and when a Mii wears it, it says this on the front and back of it: "89". Now, you might be thinking: "Well, it's just a coincidence how these Clothing Accessories both reference 1889 on them, right?", and that's where you're wrong, you see, there's even MORE references to 1889 in the game. For Example, if you give a Mii an Interior in the game, you'll have the choice to either look around the apartment's new Interior, or not look around the apartment's new Interior, if you choose to look around the "Train" Interior, you'll see the numbers "1889" above the Interior's apartment door, as well as above the "fake" door. And, in the Photo Studio building in the game, a building where you can Make/View Photo's with your Miis, if you select "Take Photos", and select either "Pair", or "Group", and scroll down and select the "Promo (Rock & Roll)" Background, you'll find that, it says "1889" TWO TIMES in the Background. But, what is so important about "1889"? Well, long story short, 1889 is the year Nintendo was founded. TL;DR: Read the Subject.

Attached: Screenshot 2020-11-12 at 7.07.27 PM.png (467x294, 76.66K)

cool beans

Damn I can't believe it's already been that long since this game came out

neat user. how many hours have you logged into the game?

>tfw lost contact with all my Miitomo friends

I remember getting this on release. Fun game.

1889 is the number of times I made your mum cum

Already known about.


I've played the game since 2014, lost the game card 3 or 4 times, got a new one in 2017, ever since then, I've played my current save file since December 21st, 2018, 22:06 MT (Military Time)

That's a long winded way to say that the 1889 references in Tomodachi Life are referencing the year Nintendo was founded.

People already knew this. Is this some shit troll post or something?

No, it's not a shitpost, I mistakenly thought that I was the only one who knew this easter egg lol, my bad.

Cool story have an upboat

1889 is the number of times I slept with your dad


Is this game any good?

He needs to do more Tomodachi so I can submit more cute art :3

It's the best fucking game on the planet, why do you ask?

I remember i found totakas song in yoshis story years ago and had no idea people didnt know about

Tomodachi Life on Switch when

If you think that's crazy, wait until you hear this: Did you know that the Super Mario Bros. 2 we got in the US was actually originally a game called Doki Doki Panic?

wOw bRo tHaT'S iNsAnE, but wait until you hear this, FUN FACT: You are gay

>if your tomodachi is asleep
>edit their personality slightly
>they will wake up
The bug was never fixed

You can Edit Miis while they're sleeping? I'm gonna do that to my least favorite Mii immediately

I thought Tomodachi life was more recent than that wtf

>this autistic thread

Attached: 8A82FC72-E991-46EF-9690-AE5A23D4E0C6.jpg (720x690, 41.02K)

>wake up
>look in mirror
>my face looks like someone carved into it well i was sleeping,i thought it was bad when he carved scars into my face and legally renamed me from "'Amade bey lietll brther!!" To hamburger,but now hes rearranged me every day
>i try to scream but my mouth opens so wide i choke on my nose
>my eyebrows are under my mouth and my eyes are under my nose,hes renamed me stickman
>ive never seen him but apparently he looks like the founder
>i hear a large tap on the side of the apartment complex
>now im in a mermaid costume
Just another day on the island...

Jesus christ, man, why the fuck would you say that, I've never changed my Mii while they were sleeping but holy fuck, I realized my Mii's are...well...basically being tortured, I know what I have to do know, I will reset my 2 year old save file--NAH I'M JUST FUCKING WITH YOU They're fucking Mii's man i dont give a shit

>do any of you guys remember the 3DS?
Nah man, totally forgot about it.
Infact I don't even remember it.
What the fuck is a "Nintendo"?

No he doesn't. He tiptoes around fag comments.

I know this place loves to bitch about Reddit spacing and shit but fuck OP please learn to format your posts.

Plus he legit tortures his islanders by making him sing shitty songs

Will do

