What killed Skullgirls?

What killed Skullgirls?
Will it ever make another comeback?
Thick Thursday is on 12th today

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Reselling the game did it

cant tell if her waist is getting squeezed like a corset or if she really has such a retarded fucking design

it's just a really retarded fucking design

>What killed Skullgirls?
Mr Wiz whoring out its spot to a charity contest where smashfags spend their autismbucks while threatening to withdraw all their donations if they lost. If you wanna blame anyone, blame that overweight pedophile

God why do fighting games get so much drama? It's a huge turn off

weren't they gonna add annie as a playable character?

Game is 8 years old.
Everything killed it.

It might see a small resurgence with Anne within its own community and then die.
No one business side is touching the game again.

It wasnt completely smashs fault although it is fun and easy to say it is. A lot of the blame goes to warner bro pressing wiz into getting that years NRS game in. I think it had like $77 dollars donated in total and somehow still got in.

She's still going to be

I'm not blaming them, they're just a side cancer.
I put 99% the blame on Mr.Wiz himself for loving money even more than he loved kid dicks

firing the actual creator

She had a belt around it but she got fat enough to the point it popped

Squigly's skeleton hand

Faggot detected

My Thursday contribution.
Can continue buttposting if the thread takes off.

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it won't

No, the only thing besides coombait that Skullgirls was loved for was its presentation, it’s been 8 years spice it up a bit.

What made Skullgirls is the characters and they fired the guy.

Twitter and pedophiles unironically killed skullgirls.

>What killed Skullgirls?
Being a decade old.

>That feel when Thems Fightan Herds inherited the Z engine and is a well made game.

>gives cameo to attention whore furry fgc player
>he shits on mike z when some shit happens
>said furry disowns mike z faster than he did with kero

>raises his arm
F, somebody play Danny Boy

I dropped it just because I hate that stupid furry. I love Gundam, but do you see me dressed like Optimus motherfucking Prime at every convention?
But he gets away with it because he's black and gay.

I believe.
I think it was the Game Awards where he said something about how black, gay furries are everything Republicans hate?

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>not dressing up as Optimus Prime all the time
Would be mega based honestly. Flesh inferior, metal superior

Skullgirls buttposting is a treasure. tfw no Parasoul gf

>literally the one with barely any personality
Only one step above Cerebellafags


Well said.
I don't know if the lewds are gonna kick off, but I can keep posting and chatting for a bit.

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>all this for some twitter clout that ended up lowering their popularity anyways because of how disloyal adhd zoomers are to anything
>could have fired all of these losers at the half point of indivisible when the designs started getting fucked up and hired some new people to instead make a new skullgirls
>we ended up in the twitter discord shit show timeline instead where shitty indivisible came out and nothing anyone wanted was added into the game
>annie added to skullgirls with 0 hype because she's a shit character and it's only in some shit phone game right now
at least I had good times with this game.

Man, Skullgirls is on sale for steam right now and I was planning on getting it but I'm not liking what I'm reading in these threads.

Is it still worth buying? Is online alive enough so I can find people to play with on /vg/ or discord?

I'm afraid people are too mad about Mike Z and Skullgirls to remember it's Thursday while I don't have anything to contribute and am also a huge cuck because the mods and jannies murdering me. Somedays it do be like that

>What killed Skullgirls?
Everything. Skullgirls is the most cursed released game of all time.
Life itself just kept shitting all over it.

People play yes but we're saying the game had bigger days to be seen and was finally lifting off before the retarded clout chasers of the company ruined things for the 2 invidisible fans in the world and all of the skullgirls fans.

First they came for ahad then they went for mike. They didn't do their research because the green goblin kills you in this scenario.

Buy it for the art style alone, shit is cash. Game is fairly solid and you can get shit going on Zig Forums occasionally. Problem is you usually have to push people into doing it

As a fighting game, it's great

The hitbox autism makes it unreliable as hell at times tho

That's fine. I play fighting games, too, so at least I can contribute to the discussion to some extent, beyond just lewds for those who want them. I've never played Skullgirls, though. Don't feel like using a Discord to find games when I can just boot up any other FG and have some level of success.

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Eh, that's fine, most people in Skullgirls threads are usually fans of the game solely because of how visually appealing it looks rather than any gameplay merit. Still lewd stuff is N i c e. Mostly because I'm surprised how Zig Forums manages to find decent and fresh stuff compared to red boards