Has your gamer life been ruined by brazilians

has your gamer life been ruined by brazilians

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Yes I fucking hate them. I'm sick of them thinking we give a shit about where they're from that they display their garbage flag on their profile or tag or whatever. As if being from that stinking shit hole of a country is anything to be proud of.


brazilians brighten my day every time i see one in the lobby. i plug in my mic just to say "hola brazilla!" and they always say it back haha. brazilians are really funny too even though i cant understand spanish.

I'm Brazilian so yes

no, t. brazilian

Ngl, i generally prefer staying out of Brazilian servers in super mainstream f2p games, but they're practically always gente fina outside of these.
Being brazilian is based, and that's something to be proud of. Seethe more, americuck. Or maybe go back to trying to pay your college\hospital bills
Our public hospitals kill us, sure, but at least they don't kill us by putting us in debt until we die

You're just a butthurt racist.

>it's a Brazilian Ken episode

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Chileanfag here, I cant stand them online half of the time (mostly the kids) but in real life they are great people. I lived in Rio for 3 years and it was a blast also girls got the right thicc balance

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no, it's been improved because my only exposure to them is those shitty san andreas mod videos and those are hilarious
they're probably cancerous fucks online but i don't play online so i don't give a shit

>shitty san andreas mod
Daily reminder that they're now making a san andreas ripoff, but in Rio

sem a gente a valve estaria falida

O que vocês estão jogando?

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o corno ta puto kkkkkk

just stopped playin dota and now am playing dungeon keeper and startopia

Eu vou comprar uma 3060 quando tiver em estoque, ou talvez uma 2070 super se baixar o preço, e vou começar a jogar Metro Exodus, Ori 2 e Doom Eternal
Tou pensando em comprar Hades pra passar o tempo até la

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How in the fuck do they function with high-ass ping?

it's obviously pretty rough around the edges but that's surprisingly competent, i wonder how much of this stuff is stolen or pre-made assets if any of it even is

the human eye can't see a difference below 70ms ping so why does it matter

I used to think the brazilians were the worst there were in the online space, then I came across the chinese. Brazilians are usually just annoying ESLs (or portuguese only plebs), chinese are actively detrimental to the existence of any game they're in because of 400+ ping, hacking and botting, rmt, and other shit.

No but I dated Brazilian once
I tried this soda that they had and it was actually really fucking good like top 5 nonalcoholic drinks I’ve had pocari sweat being number 1


which one, hope it was either guarapan or mate couro

>even though i cant understand spanish

chora mais viadinho

Imagine letting brazilians live rent free in your tiny burger brain

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in games that have local servers we can easily get low ping, if it doesnt the experience varies a lot from game to game

fica putinho aí americorno gordo do krl kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

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I like having them in my games because they are all so fucking bad

Eu estou jogando deus ex invisible war, joguinho ruim que doi mais eu preciso ver a historia pra saber o que aconteceu com o jece dentão.

>pocari sweat
I just don't get the hype. It's a slightly less sugary gatorade. You can make an isotonic base that tastes way better and has NO sugar in it. The only 'hard' thing to find is a yuzu and you can just make up for it by substituting the zest of a lemon and grapefruit juice.

guarana antarctica
Is the other 2 better?

Memory of Melody no Switch hackeado, eu não pagaria 250 pilas nisso nem fudendo, mas de graça ta sendo divertido pra caralho


Fire Emblem 3 Houses e Monster Hunter World. Acabei de terminar o DLC do pkmn sword.

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they are but they're somewhat underground and only locally distributed (even though I believe coke now owns both, but I'm not sure).
Guarana antartica is delicious though, also fantastic for hangovers and constipation.

Rune Factory 4 no 3DS XL hackeado.

not th user but guarana is everywhere in brazil and its fucking delicious and there's guarana jesus, never tasted it but people say it's good. never heard of the 2 sodas he mentioned

Guaraná antarctica is fucking amazing my dude, having one right now and almost dying 'cause i just ate some sushi buffed and my belly is expanding as rapidly as Kojima's brain but fuck it