Child’s Chads rise up

It seems my boy here isn’t getting the respect he deserves. His q+Riptide is highest DPS burst in the game. Combine him with crypto and electro and you have SS tier dps.

Rolled him and diona today at AR 28 and spent all my fragile resin grinding to get them to level 50 (low on resources since all my chars are level 50). Did I fuck up?

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>Did I fuck up?
You're playing Genshin, so yes.


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you're not going to force this meme bro
he's barely A tier

Here's a quick and easy tip to build Childe for the shitters to bypass the CD nerf

Gamblers set 4pcs

>no 5 star set

He did say "for the shitters" as in the brainless that can't keep Childe out of melee to actually get him.

>he's an SS tier dps
>but I only have him leveled to 50
yeah you're retarded. take him to the abyss and see how shit he is compared to the dps 5*s like klee, diluc, and kek

you guys are so shit that when actual complexity gets add in the game you bitch about it, especially the environmental hazards which got nerfed recently, I already provided you a set of artifacts for Childe thats better than all of the 5 stars since it removes his elemental skill cooldown if you kill an enemy which is easy since Childe atm is the best DPS in the game, if you want a 5* artifact thats best for him wait for the leak hydro artifacts that reduces cooldown by 20% when worn 5 pieces

>literally coping and seething about random shit I didn't comment on
what a sperg, are you salty you wasted your money?

I only bought the welkin retard.

Im saving for Zhongli (or maybe Xiao) myself but Im glad you like your guy

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Tried his trial and he seems really fun. But I'm saving for chad zhongli

He is fun but that cooldown ruins him as a character. He'll definitely get stronger over time though with better gear and maybe he'll be able to transform one day too.

Zhongli is a better character gameplay wise though.

That's nice and all but for me it's the cocogoat

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i'd drink her milk

Why not whale for both?

I dumped a lot onto him and when I hit pity I got Diluc instead. I'm not particularly upset, but I'm basically not gonna get Childe unless I pay for a second pity.

just wait for a re-run or when they allows us to farm for characters like in Honkai Impact

Most of the playerbase don't know how to handle him OP. It's different when you have more than 100 IQ.

He clears packs waay faster than my Keqing. Still use her for explorations though, because on demand TP and nice butt.

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At least it’s guaranteed for second pity. Folic is not a bad deal dude. I’d trade my left nut for him. My party is Klee C2, Jean, Fish c1 and Childe. Childe is fun but learning to use him in a party is a pain. Do I mark everyone then go melee? Do I just ignore marking since it takes time with a bow?

What weapon should I use for him? I'm f2p?

>goes on cooldown


What's the best artifact set for him? Noblesse?

I’m using stringless but it’s all I have. Decent results

Mark with bow than go unga with melee, or just go unga with melee. His charged shots actually hit friggin' hard since it procs Riptide too, I'm having a blast with full Troupe Set.
Anything that you can get your hands on to boost his crit rate and crit damage. Crit rate takes higher priority. In fact you don't need matching sets at all, he scales a lot of raw stats. You NEED a Hydro Goblet.

If you have Diona, Bolide is an option since her shield is basically on all the time.

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Sorry m8, Stringless doesn't work with his melee.

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How many more primos can I conceivably get from the main game if I haven't beaten grumpy dragon yet and have explored maybe half of liyue

I just got qiqi and it sounds like childude would go pretty well with her and beidou

Oh yeah, I'm definitely not knocking getting him. Every 5* at this point is a boon, and Diluc's still top of the DPS chart. I'd be crazy to look down on that, just because it wasn't what I wanted. All I've got for 5*'s so far is just him and a c0 Venti, so it helps. I'm a little more peeved that after all those rolls I didn't get a single Diona, despite getting a whole bunch of everything else.

Thanks user. Got him last night but I'm only at AR41 so can't farm those 5* crit circlet easily yet.
>BP Bow
It sounds pretty good for him. Crit rate + succ for riptide.

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Fuck, does these mean I should roll on standard banner or epitome for a bow?

Epitome, it has a Rust uprate atm. It's one of this main options.

>spent everything rolling for Childe
>got him and Diluc
Feels like a fucking waste desu. Now I have zero reason to use Childe when I have Diluc.

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Consider that later Abyss floors make you have multiple teams, and I'm sure you'll find use for multiple DPS characters leveled and geared

Split them up in Abyss

I was thinking of using him as an off-DPS for Diluc? Since he can only attack in short bursts anyway. Just use his cooldowns and switch back to Diluc.

He's literally a support character and would work well with Diluc for evaporate or whatever or against fire enemies.

Not a bad idea. Melt is a great thing to proc, so they'll work off each other fairly well.

If you swap to him, activate E and use Q right away then turn off E the cooldown on his E would be like 7-8 seconds. Not bad really. Also vaporize is better if the hydro is the one triggering it iirc.

>since all my chars are level 50

He'd be really useful for floor 10 because of all the fire monsters. I don't even know how to 9 star it with what I have artifact wise right now. I'd put him in Diluc's party and move Xingqiu to that party as well for energy generation and just spawm his ult off cooldown and use him to break pyro mage shields.

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Yep it's 50% vs 100% iirc.

Funny because i rolled childe and diluc but bench diluc.
What a boring fucking moveset

I can confirm he makes floor 10 a joke.
Don't need to manually turn it off, if you switch him out his E will automatically turn off.

Thanks, I’ll probably use him as an off-DPS for Diluc instead of my Mona, keep Benny boy for the heals and x2 Pyro resonance, and maybe Venti as my last slot?

Venti or another healer.
Tortilla becomes a fucking monster if you have an Anemo gatherer.

>benching the better character
why are some people so salty about characters