Pleb filter or mediocre sequel that missed what made the original great?

Pleb filter or mediocre sequel that missed what made the original great?

Attached: 369915-hotline-miami-2-wrong-number-android-front-cover.jpg (512x512, 89.78K)

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>decide to end the game with “everybody died” just to not make a sequel
>in the post-credit, the hotline miame 3 screen appears on screen as a joke
i never liked the first HM but i can respect the devs for the cool moments they add. I hope their next game is actually good

Pleb filter that missed what made the original great.

it's better than the first one in every aspect

pleb filter without qualifications

It's just a pleb filter. You rarely see people complaining about anything other than it being too difficult. Sometimes you'll see people complaining about the story, which is fine.

Yeah this Also the difficult picks up right where Hotline left off so I can't just come back to it years later. I get fucking filtered. Like a pleb.

Felt more "trial & error" than "run & kill"

Definitely pleb filter. I like HM2 more than 1.

Better music and atmosphere
Arguably better story, writing, characters
Debatable improvements on moment to moment gameplay (I think so, but I know it's contentious)
Worse level design (which drags pretty much everything down and severely hampers what was arguably the best thing about the first game: how easily it let you get into a 'flow' state)

Overall I like it more than the original, but it missed the mark in some ways

There should've been an ultradifficult final bonus level where you play the General rushing to kill the President/Premier in his Brandon mask that sets off the nukes

Attached: SprFaceGeneralPanther-0.png (555x594, 7.91K)

Blows the first one out of the water
casuals can slobber on my nuts

Unironically this.

Objectively worse level design. Better everything else. So I guess worse game because Hotline Miami is mostly its level design.

i think it complements the first game very well.

Pleb filter that takes a more straightforward narrative.

I hated it at first but once I got gud I like it more then the original.

Objectively better level design*

Attached: Hotline Miami 2 - Dead Ahead.webm (700x700, 2.86M)

>gets shot by enemy offscreen

Heh, nothing personnel

2 is better you brownpilled reddit pleb piece of shit.

I love glass and having to constantly hold shift.

first one was run in and kill fast paced action, second one was a trial and error reload orgy

definitely mediocre sequel

Have you seen the miami mutilator?

Attached: though skin man.png (460x555, 5.24K)

you don't need to if you don't have the reflexes of a roadkill

That would have been godtier ;-;

What happened to Devolver? They put out nothing but trash since HM2(Altho Enter the Gungeon was pretty good).

Attached: 1583273858832.png (1920x1080, 255.92K)
This is my third time posting it I swear to fuck it better not eat it again fuck you Captcha i'm not a Robot.

Attached: rlOw1jv.jpg (549x549, 160.55K)

a game can be difficult in a bad way
good games, even when difficult, feel fair and give you incentive to progress
hotline miami 2 asks you to memorize shit that you can't even guess, enemies shooting you from across the maps and you need to memorize their positions, it's shit and the opposite of fun.

They published Seriuos Sam 4 recently
They also push out a ton of smaller stuff so it just falls under the radar for most

Devolver doesnt make games dumbass they just publish them

Indie games are trash since then.

Both. I hate it about as much as I love it, it's a very mixed bag of a game.


Nah they're still publishing good stuff. The Messenger was fantastic, and Katana Zero was great.

plebfilter that filters fags like this guy

Level design sucks dick.

What did it miss exactly?

I can’t beat Dead Ahead on hard mode, the section with lots of enemies walking in the middle is ridiculous


Attached: Zag.jpg (2580x1450, 278.21K)

git gud
also learn the enemy pattern and have the right gun

Attached: 20190615122313_1.jpg (1920x1080, 674.97K)

I didn't like the ending, personally.

Killing all of the fans just like that felt cheap.

besides the dialogue seeming a bit off/ESL, this is pretty much exactly what I wanted, neat