You WILL be buying my wife's game right vee?

You WILL be buying my wife's game right vee?

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>white haired cast again
Yoko Taro has a weird fetish

You mean my wife's game

If they make a collectors edition that comes with a physical version of automata i'll buy it day one at full price. We xbros deserve better

You can take yonah. Only i can satisfy kaine.

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What is Nier Automata where a majority of the cast had white hair

Emil makes me sad bros. Kid got fucked for thousands of years by the universe.

Retard. Nier replicant and gestalt came first. So saying again is fucking retarded.

you must have a heavenly tight ass then, user

a sequel to the game in the op

I only played Automata. The Replicant gameplay I've seen looks janky as fuck, are they going to use Automata combat?

>implying automata wasn't also jank as fuck

user i...

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No papa nier no buy.

Yeah man, I have the original, but I can't wait to play this remaster, just for the new remix and so on.
That said, it would be cool to have Daddy Nier as DLC or something, it doesn't matter which version of the MC you prefer, both should be usable.

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will a coomer enjoy this as much as I did automata? honest question.

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Yes If you're into Futa

I can only see 3 dudes hanging around you giant faggot

One of the characters is a biological hermaphrodite , the rest of the cast are not as Automata'd

Absolutely. I'm hoping it's not a butchered remake, I want to play as bro nier.

Yonah is for _________

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no, kaine is kinda hot but 2b still looks better wearing her outfit. and kaine is less of a focus. otherwise not many girls.

Sure will.

nah fuck you wife. don't. I'll fuck your wife for you.

Already paid for the white snow edition.

You made me do it OP

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No, now fuck off

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Yokotaro is a fucking hack

maybe. automata's combat was really bad but if they've improved on it than sure

Is it bad that I preordered it for some PSN avatars?

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