Series gets new entry

>Series gets new entry
>Fanbase gets mad
Why are Monster Hunter fans like this?

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I'm cautiously optimistic. I am sure Rise will be fun and a nice game for the switch. I am fully aware it will not be the Monster Hunter game I actually want and we will likely never get another old fashion monster unless they do a re-release. I would argue a lot of the people who are upset with Rise and World dont hate the game, but dont want to see it flanderized to the point of basically just being a completely different game, which I dont think is an unfair wish.

>walk through a crowd
>two people are screaming at each other
>"wow everyone in this crowd is mad!"
This is you. MHW was a great game, Rise looks okay, most MH games are great. Stop giving attention to the 1% who cry about platform wars.

Post best weapon and monster. Correct answer is lance and lagi.

not sure i could ever agree more,
based and lagi pilled.

I think world gave to many tools to exploit the game that just don't add anything good to the game but makes the whole design philosophy different, like mantles, clutch claw and op healing+infinite restock(mostly due to how op max potions are and the fact that you have a infinife suply of them and even going to tent isn't a time waste since you go to camp regardless due to camp warping), unlike styles and arts that even if busted add some diversity to the gameplay and can even be fun to use, these big changes from world really don't add anything meaninhful and just messes with the combat loop too much, like how you can get a instant heal easily, can trade hits with mantles or get free knockdowns or you have to clutch into the monster to tenderize so you can do optimal damage,on the other hand there is changes from world that are really good like radial menu, no loading between zones, layered armor and weapons(better than the transmog system in GU since you don't have to craft the armor first), not having to use pickaxes or bugnets. Still I am optimistic for rise since it seems like at least mantles and clutch claw won't be in, and wire bug seems fun to use and can add something meaningful to weapons, just hope they nerf max potions somehow or maybe remove them like they did with mega dash juice, since mega potions seems already too good.

Zig Forums has more than its fair share of autistic retards that fight over who owns which toys. Don't take it seriously.

Because they're a bunch of faggots. Console wars are alive and well, evidently enough. Anyone who says all of the games shouldn't be on PC is retarded.

There are three people here to consider. People who think World is the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel and that classic MH is shovelware, people who think World killed their children and ate their parents and now Gen U is classic MH and people who think it looks alright and might play it. Generally, the third option is what most of the fanbase is comprised off outside of Zig Forums.

Because fuck Worldshit

I love MH games, with 3U being my favorite, but I wish that they would also release this on PC too.

I'm tired of gimmicks.

Even if emulator is a thing I still hope that someday they port the other games maybe even the pre g-rank versions of them too like dos, tri, portable 3rd and etc

The series has focused only on specific aspects of the game, and other aspects have languished over time.
Instead of deepening mechanics that already exist, Monster Hunter apparently needs to be "streamlined."
So each game sees the series going further down a path not all fans want.

Its only snoyniggers

Because it's in a fucking handheld, fuck switch, I wanna play it on PC

Monster Hunter fans aren't mad.

The only people mad are those who don't own multiple platforms.

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Because I want 4U 2, not World 1.5

>Why are Monster Hunter fans like this?
You’re assuming the people that are getting mad were ever true fans to begin with.

why do people want the old gameplay back?
theres a reason why generations ultimate is fucking dead on the switch and you know damn well Rise is going to have a much larger fanbase

I've rarely seen a fanbase as stubborn and autistic as the MH fanbase on Zig Forums.

Because GU has a lot of gimmicky stuff and is padded with gathering quests up the fucking ass.

>generations ultimate is fucking dead on the switch's not

It's a fucking Naruto game at this point

Because they want every monster hunter game to be exactly like their favorite. But, this is capcom they're not exactly known for doing that. Just look at how radical each resident evil or street fighter game is from the last. Only thing I'm mad about is the cinematic 20-25 fps we're getting after finally getting to experience monster hunter at high frame rates.

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Because GU came so late to the west, that most people had already moved on to world

Mad? No, dissappointed actually. Im not buying a switch

Its just faggots who don't own or vow to never own a switch. I will always buy whatever console MH appears on and switch already got GU which I loved.

Did they shit up SnS like they did in world?

Dual blades already does naruto running desu

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who's mad?
just walk away from negativity bro, it's not good for the soul.

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World is the only good monster game you dumb oldfag

Based idort, I wish my friend didn't lose my fucking PSP

Is it the only one you played?

GS and Brachydios