Worst gaming fanbases


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On Zig Forums, specifically
>FE fags
>muv luv fags
sonyfags here are ironic so I wouldn't really count them

I choose all of them. Imagine being a corporate simp that can't take criticism of your favorite product. For example, I love PC gaming, but not for a second will I dicksuck gaben or windows or linux, knowing that they all have their fair share of flaws. Imagine if nobody gave gaben a hard time over paid mods. We'd all be paying 99 dollars for realistic horse anuses right now.

>imagine being so retarded you hate everybody equally
fucking delusional

Why cant I vote for FF7 fags more than once?

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you forgot to add faggot strawpoll makers. There's been more shitty polls than usual it seems. In conclusion, op is a faggot

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Stay mad

First for death to snoy fags. I've got nothing against the console, just the obnoxious fags who won't stop sucking sony's dick.

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>no Sonicfags
gee I wonder who made this poll


by "Cyberpunk fags" you mean the underage Zig Forumsermin shitting up every tread or people excited about a bideogame? i dont think i saw any pushback to shitposters this month so it has to be the kiddies


I don't really even dislike any of them

Still having trouble figuring out how to wavedash? It's been 20 years and you still don't know how to do it? Pathetic.

curious how snoys are always front runners in these.

so im right?

how many buzzwords do you need?

Half of these can probably be filed under Zoomer.

Zig Forums

>fanbases are terrible
in other news, humans are literally the cause of every evil on the face of the earth, how shocking

Jews are, not all humans

>place full of nintendo niggers and pc cücks
>gee I wonder why people are voting the other group
also, everyone is bussy playing demon souls right now

How is Pokemon that high? It's the only good game on the list, should have added Boomers since Doom, Morrowind, and Chrono Trigger are at the bottom

This is the cope we talk about, nobody likes Sony games

no the dont, most of them didnt even get the console because of the coof

NPC's are worst, but even outside of that most gamers have no taste at all and no original tought

>doom boomers all the way at the bottom
they're the worst offenders next to smashfags

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How is it that snois are not first and 8 laps ahead?

>no xbox retards option
come on op, at least include them all. brand loyalty is stupid as fuck

Okay, zoomer.


No based Sonic?

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>E-Celeb fags
>Snoy fags
>Zoom zooms
>Cybertranny fags
>Witcher fags

>It's the only good game on the list
You are kidding right?

>no Sonicfags
>no Marioniggers
>no Idolshitters
>no fatefags

You're not fooling anyone, drone. Kill yourself

where's the undertale option

I only read a few while checking off each one but bing bin wahhoo and ecelebs were there.