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I played it. It's kinda weird. I'm glad I got it for free from PS+ though.

It's kinda weird kinda fun and kinda snax

so we talkin empty sack?

I'm talking about that FPS. Is there a way to uncap it?

I stopped talkin' about bugsnax when I got to the hamfisted lesbian scene at the beginning.

I wanted bugsnax, not carpetmunch.

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>that spec ops: the line ending
I thought this was a kids game

I thought this was a kid's game. They're not even trying to hide it anymore, are they?

can't it be both carpetmunching and bugsnaxing at the same time?

Go suck your mama’s cock

She's not hard yet

I'm not going to play this game. What happens?

See this you disgusting game addicted Incels. That's why you don't have girlfriends, you toxic, brutal chauvinists. Women can detect your narcissism. If you want a partner try changing yourself and your personality. Be like gentleman from this picture: delicate, romantic and humble. All women will appreciate that. Can you at least try? You disgusting misogynistic pigs?

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the what

nothing. Walrus has a wife. They say they like each other and there is no scene, its audio.

>manlet with a 5" dick
oh ho ho

downloading pirate version, let's see if Zig Forums seethe is true for once

i'd be talking about it if they didn't do a staggered launch on pc, i'm not buying a ps4 just to play it now instead of in a year from now

I like it. It's comfy and fun the voice actors are good and funny.

>I wanted bugsnax, not carpetmunch.

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>mfw every time I hear a bunger
Why the fuck do they sound so funny?

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Where were you for Steven Universe?

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So what the FUCK IS IT?


Meme shill game

How the GRUMP do I catch the fucking Cinnasnail?

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nothing personel

>see "Bugsnax"
>can only think of but with Bugsnax instead of Horsecock

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man I was scratch my head to catch the poptick, how far into is the cinnasnail?

I hear Bugsnax is actually a horror game

man i am getting single digit FPS on my laptop with a 1660 gtx ti, but 40-50 on my desktop with 1050 gtx ti. It was working fine this morning, anyone else got this issue?

I want to impregnate the Kero Kero Bonito girl.

Solids 60 FPS on PS5. ;)

So it's the full game and not early access?

>download game
>forced lesbian thing at the beginning does not bother me
>gameplay is actually kinda cool and charming
>complete the tutorial
>arrive at town
For fuck's sake you gotta be kidding me. Doesn't even make sense to have forced walking sections in this game, there's no ebin graphics or cinematics to show off. What is wrong with modern game developers?

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Yeah I'm on a 5700 XT and skips around from 20-40 fps. Doesn't matter what settings I change either