Why do 30 year old boomers love this game so much?

Why do 30 year old boomers love this game so much?

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trick question; only zoomers love it.

>dad started saying "malaka" ever since he played it
>he still says malaka every now and then

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We like San Andreas better we were around 20 when IV came out it's zoomers who grew up with it

the golden age of malacca was pretty great, user

the taxi people were the best for starting riots. those damn haymakers always catch a bystander.

Because it's better than GTA5

It was more mature than GTA V

speak for yourself, reddit tier nostagiagoggles faggot

Fuckoff nigger, I like VC and III

Niko is the most relatable protagonist.

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The PS2 games will always be my favorite, but 4 had a special charm, it also has the darkest atmosphere/story out of all the GTA games as of right now. Best ragdoll physics as well. It was Rockstar daring to experiment and for the time it was very ambitious.

Remember we were thought GTA V would have expansion packs like GTA IV?

Uhhh, no.

Zoomers like it because it's what they grew up on.

It's a masterpiece.

>be me
>talking shit with old mates about vidyas last weekend while on the piss
>they start ripping me because I like Zelda puzzles, old games and generally anything that has engaging gameplay
>gta4 gets brought up
>I say it’s better than 5 because of the physics, story and the npcs usually react more unique to the situation
>they both reply I could never get into it because I don’t like playing as a Russian, I don’t feel like I’m the player
>mean while they both like 5 because they can play as a nigger and some over the top socio path
>they are both average white suburban retards
I’m surrounded by faggots

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It's probably because of the physics, interiors, the ability to crouch, and the fully utilized map.

Sadly, after how well gta5 did sales wise, we're never gonna get another "serious" gta

>punch the window of 20 taxi drivers
>watch the brawl ensue

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Are you kidding they would be turned off because it’s not wacky shit like V.

That's not SA, silly.

It’s garbage. The lighting is dark, the city is boring and the main character sucks

These are your friends.

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we don't, faggot. we prefer San Andreas. it came out when we were 14. prime gaming time, since you can't even drive yet and you're not thinking about sex all the time yet. GTA4 came out when we were 18 and we could go out, drink some beer and try to fuck women.

fuck off

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I'm 30. the question was addressing my demographic exactly. saying "we", because it is asking people like me, is perfectly normal. grow up .

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>oldfag who never let go telling anyone to grow up

Nobody loves that shit, at best people tolerated it. It was so bad Volition managed to steal a bit of their market with Saints Row.

>it. It was so bad Volition managed to steal a bit of their market with Saints Row.
Which promptly killed SR by making it pants on head retarded.

35 year old boomer here, I prefer gtav(fuck gtao though)


>one game nobody knew
>a second game that was a little popular
>followed by two games that blew up big when they went "pants on head retarded"
I mean, if they weren't deep up deep silver's ass, they probably could've done that shit forever.

>this butthurt.

Grow up.

Change your diaper grandma I don’t wanna hear about Reagan and Grenada.