These bosses fucking suck

These bosses fucking suck
Why is Demon Souls so overrated by boomers? I'd rather play Bloodborne or DS3 over this any day

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Everybody praising it never played it. Give it a few days / weeks, everything'll go back to normal where it's unanimously agreed upon to be a shit game compared to Dark Souls.

Well, you're not playing DeS, so...

The gameplay is identical though

because it's from 2009, genius

You are a dumb baby with bad taste

It's the first game of the series so pay respects you shit eating zoomer.

i was actually excited for this, why was this outsourced to bluepoint?

I might as well get an Xbox X, run retroarch on it and emulate Demon's souls

Lol ok, bluepoint have never made a good game - if it wasn't for the fact DeS' original servers are now down I'd just stick to playing my ps3

>why was this outsourced to bluepoint
They're cheap, and they make the game sell more because muh gud graphics and modern UI

It is the pioneer for the souls series. It is a good game but still the worst in the series. I think the best things about it were maps, regular enemies,etc. Boss fights were mediocre to gimmicks. Demon's Souls wasn't about boss fights as much as the later games.

You can cry about muh soulless aesthetics all you want but the games play exactly the same

>pay respects
bluepoint didnt.

The bosses don't 'suck', they're actually interesting. Call it gimmicky, whatever, but it it/was a unique experience.

The combat is Souls game is fucking shallow. Who cares about le epic bosses with 3 phases and staggered attack animations? Fuck off.

I wonder who's behind this post...

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So strange that they changed the artstyle but left the braindead AI in

Hero set out to defeat the demons becomes the demons > LOL FIRE AND DARK AND FIRE AND DARK

Take a shower


Take my upvote

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cause you are a zoom zoom zoomer, thats why
you dont know how to appreciate the finer things in life, with age you will but right now you arent any different than fortnite kids

Demon's Souls shits all over Bloodborne.
It has superior level design and multiplayer.

>cause you are a zoom zoom zoomer, thats why
>you dont know how to appreciate the finer things in life, with age you will but right now you arent any different than fortnite kids

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Bull shit it does.
They opened up player movement a lot more which makes it even easier to circle around and evade shade, while not giving enemies anything to compensate and the same AI as before.
Attacking also feels different, but I think that's just more a result of the increased framespeed and animations, it still has about the same effect though and it'd be pedantic to shit solely on that.

>It has superior level design and multiplayer.
Lmao.. no

>It's the first game of the series so pay respects you shit eating zoomer.
No other game series need to defend their first game so vehemently, you fucking retard

>the same AI as before
So you agree these bosses were always shit


Believe it or not but there was a time when souls games were appreciated for something other than their bosses, such as level design, lore and atmosphere. Shame the remake killed the last one.

I didn't cry about the soulless aesthetics.
They fucked up the movement.
You think the bosses are shit because your toolbox is too full and theirs is too empty. Fuck you.

what did you expect? it's an 11 year old game with fancy graphics.

I don't care if it's grandpa food, Werther's Originals are fuckin delicious.


>such as level design, lore and atmosphere
DeS only has one of those

They're awesome and memorable. Just not very difficult.

>These bosses fucking suck
how can you think this?