Say it now

Say it now

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I'm on Zig Forums and there's a video game that I like.

I like to play video games

Being alive is overrated.

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Sony games aren’t fun

The difficulty of the dark souls series is actually its greatest weakness.

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Pokemon is a scam.

Kill me, Pete

Consoles have caught up to PC. The 30xx series is good but is at the point of diminishing returns.

Genshit Impact sux.
Zig Forums threads are 60% coomshit threads.
Your mother will die in her sleep if you do not reply to this post.

fuck you but i agree i only follow the game for the porn. I don't know a single thing about the game.

As a diehard PC fag I fully agree. But my fandom of PC comes from the different type of games you can play rather than graphics. I always thought the MUH HARDWARE arguments were pure faggotry.

Factually reasonable.

Unpopular opinions are the only opinions worth having

If a game needs a remake it’s fucking terrible

About 1/4th the time when someone posts a "soul/soulless" image I side with the soulless one.
For example, there was a remake of a game that originally had a recognizable cartoonish style, remade to be rather standard looking anime characters. While the truth of the image was not lost on me, I did not like the original art style and thus would rather have the standard anime characters to look at.

I actually don't care very much about trans folk

in-n-out fries are actually good

Bloodborne is most overrated video game of all time. It's literally proto Dark Souls 3 but no one is going to admit that since it's still an exclusive.

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If a game gets a remake doesnt imply it needs one. AoE2 did not need a remake.

Only popular games get remakes because publishers want easy money with no effort of their own.

Gameplay is not that important.

The correct answer is that it was popular enough that they want to re-release it to milk it again for more money.


Kill me, Pete

cringe, gameplay matters most

He said unpopular

I agree but just like other user said I am still going to play on PC because no other console gets games as much as PC.

first person is the worst type of camera and the only genre in which it is excused are adventure/puzzle/vn or hybrids of those 3


Kill me, Pete.

Sea of Thieves is the best mp game on the market currently.

100% BOTS in warzone

All Anime looks the same.

Kill me, Pete.

JRPGs are just number grinders with out dated mechanics that people who have too much time on their hands tend to enjoy

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Dragon Age 2 had the best party of any Dragon Age game

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i've tried to get into chrono trigger like 5 times and I never can and I feel upset by that because I'm sure if I got past the first part of the game I'd love it

Sperging about Cyberpunk 2077 is somewhat retarded, since the game isn't out yet.

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Final Fantasy games are for women.


PC has cutting edge technology but consoles are what push gaming technology forward by extracting the maximum potential from fixed hardware requirements. We're going to see the full capabilities of SSDs this gen.

i think the world is flat and my next door neighbor is drunk

The artstyle to among us looks cheap and ugly.
I said it.

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It doesn't matter if a game is objectively "good" by checking off arbitrary things. All that matters is if you enjoy it.

FF7 is a game that is carried by it's story and characters. The gameplay is nothing to write home about and is overall very inconsistent and fruitless.

I think Fable 2 is a great game and the best of its series.

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Fallout 4 is better than 3 and NV

Unpopular in general? Watching eSports isn't fun.
Unpopular on Zig Forums? Watching eSports is fun.

I prefer gays to lesbians. I would rather have yaoi over yuri. A carpet muncher sickens me to no end, but I will always accept a gay man. I like gay sex over lesbian sex. I will always want a gay man in vidya over a lesbian. Also bis doesn't exist and trannies should bite the bullet, they both make videogames worse.

For gunplay maybe, everything else is a no.

Pokemon has sucked dick after Gen 2.


there is not a single jrpg worth using your time on


I loved playing on my ps3

based kek

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Steins;Gate ELITE > Steins;Gate

Kill me, Pete

Ey yo user, Blaziken is good, anything after BW2 was a mistake imo

Snoy has mediocre exclusives

6th gen was the worst gen

kay, thanks whatever alphabet soup you identify as,
please leave this japanese inspired site now, plebbit is over there,

Anything beyond 60fps is pure fanboyism and, while undoubtedly nicer than 60, not needed.(similarly, 30fps, when smooth and not in shooters, is 100% playable, although obviously noticeably worse than 60)

4K follows a similar logic to >60fps, but to a lesser extent as it makes aliasing tech less useful.

Raytracing, while technically impressive and cool to look at, is useless as no dev is gonna take advantage of the only way it could be useful(using reflections as a gameplay mechanic).

Until newest technology techniques(DLSS as example) become the standard and developers actually start using the power newer CPUs and GPUs provide while also optimizing their game, literally none of the new CPUs and GPUs are needed to play current gen and even next gen games.
Proof is that any build with a random Zen 2 CPU, 16GB RAM and RX 580 or GTX 1660 can run all currently coming out games at high settings 60fps, with the only exceptions being games that have been proven to be poorly optimized, or games that actually take advantage of some new tech, but still do so in a poor way and thus run poorly even on newer hardware.

The vast majority of Zig Forums has no idea what they're talking about, all anons who always sperg about games being unplayable unless it's 4K 240fps 8K textures perfect gameplay with not a single flaw are the same idiots who think PhysX is obsolete and deprecated(hint: it's not and it's used in literally every major engine used to make current games, both public and proprietary engines).

i like japanese games and media, except for jrpgs because they're absolute shit
keep coping lad

Chrono Trigger

The thread is about UNPOPULAR opinions, dillweed,
try harded user

Yes, but no

None of the asscreed games are good

Pokemon will never stop being fun to me as long as I can keep collecting colorful creatures to do battle with. The single player experience is not important at al.

Thanks user. The first mistake people make is putting l g b and t together, but that feels like common knowledge, which makes my post popular and gay which goes against this very thread.

Kill me, Pete

I think Pokemon X and Y is good.

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jrpgs are the vidya equivalent of a CW tv show

coping at what nimrod, play Joan D'arc and come back here, better yet play good games user, there's tons of em,

It's unironically gay to play as a female character by choice.

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He said unpopular

Black Flag is 8/10

I think graphics in the DeS remaster actually take away from the game, and I hope fromsoft isn't as overly focused on graphics like bluepoint was. It worked for SoTC but it looks bad on DeS

That's just flat out wrong, not even an opinion.

Don't care. Already played it. It sucks.

as opposed to movie games from the west?
i dont think youve played a single jrpg, try something like Valkyria Chronicles, Steambot chronicles or Joan d'arc
it might change your mind

Based, we should have stopped at 1080p or hell even 720p and focus on developing better games than chasing bigger graphics.