Could save vidya

>could save vidya
>does nothing

based or cringe?

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he’s too busy planning the next holocaust for real this time


>he's a Qschizo
he used to be so based

QAnon appeals to lonely conspiracy-minded people, so it's natural Notch would be into it.

For anyone wondering this is Alex beau, the actual creator of half life that got screwed over by valve

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He walked away with two billion dollars he's probably still eating coke and fucking hookers to this day minding his own business

What's a Q?

I baited him on twitter and he replied. The $2b is not buying him happiness.

Q is over. E is the new hotness.

he has stockholm syndrome like the rest of them

What is it about money that turns normal people into rightards? It can't just be the taxes can it?

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How would he save vidya?

No it's basically the taxes, once you get that rich you become arrogant and devolve into the FYIGM mentality.

He doesnt want to make anything for gamers now that it's full of trannies

LARP for Facebook boomers

He was always that way.

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Videa doesn't need saving, you piece of reactionary shit. I bet you don't even play video games outside of youtube. Fucking drama whore.

q is a cool character from street fighter 3

jesus are the newfags and the new election tourists this uneducated? newfags these days don't respect the rule of lurking more...

>could save vidya
How. All his games except minecraft were complete flops.

pay people to make good games

And these days Zig Forums seems to hate minecraft now that it's popular.

That q cringe is quintessential newfaggotry, fucktard

When you have money you don't have to pretend to be a submissive bitch faggot anymore because nobody can fire you or kick you out.

just another rich asshole

Considering how he ran his company before the buy out he was not a very good manager and relied on Minecraft's own runaway success to just keep it afloat while he was too busy filling a mansion with candy. The few games he made after were tech demos that led nowhere and he clearly didn't want to develop anything.

All he can do is throw money at things but so can any boomer investor and the boomer is actually 10x more motivated then him.

I like how being a Q is lower than liberals these days. Though QAnons are something we can all laugh at.

Unironically it's a step in the right direction, people used to post epstein on Zig Forums back in 2014 and people would call them crazy. Now even boomers know what's going on even if it's through a larp

i mean hes basically as happy as a neet I guess, but a neet with 2 billion dollars


If throwing shittons of money at videogames could make them better then Microsoft (you know, the guys who made Notch a billionaire?) would have succeeded.

Who's the anti-Notch? Someone who's genuinley passionate about vidya and is very hands on making a ton of games but never really struck it rich?

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there is no anti notch
just failed college students who think their gender studies and a few lessons in coding makes them entitled to the same amount of money because they think making a game like minecraft takes no effort

>Saving anything

how and why should he?
if I was him I would just sit back and watch it all burn. the cancer has spread to 90% of the industry, there's no saving it.

imagine the coping mechanism and mental gymnastics you have to perform on your head
to say that a neet with a billion dollars is not happy of where he is

user this is just something you're deluding yourself into thinking so you feel better about being a wagie

Sums it up nicely.

I think Notch regrets his success.

zachtronics. aka the studio notch aped when he copied infaminer

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The entire video game industry should be allowed to consume itself until it ceases to exist.

if you seriously believe minecraft wasnt an incredible lucky strike of 1 in a million chance then i dont know what to say to you. notch is not a good developer and never has been, minecraft is good but good games does not equal success.

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