Queen Zig Forums 2020 - Round 1 (Intermission)

Timer - N/A
Poll - N/A

Previous: Round 1: N/A
Qualifiers: Nominations: Booru (post OC here) - queenkingv.booru.org/

►What is King and Queen Zig Forums?
A pair of yearly single elimination tournaments where anons decide their favorite male and female vidya characters.

The qualifier results will be posted soon!

>All characters must originate from a Zig Forums property (This includes Miss Pauling and Saxton Hale, who despite being from TF2 made their first appearances in the comics.)
>Only 4 characters from each franchise may make it in. In the event of 5 or more nominated, the top 4 seeded are counted.
>No real life politicians or caricatures of real life politicians (I’m sorry we can’t have COD Zombies JFK)

►FOTM Rule
Characters must be from games at least one month old to participate, if the tournament nominations starts on November 10th, no characters that debuted after October 10th can participate.

►Elite 8 Rule
The top 8 contestants from last year are retired for one year to allow for new characters to shine, with the winner being permanently retired.

►Queen Elite 8 2019
Samus Aran (Metroid)
Fio Germi (Metal Slug)
Midna (The Legend of Zelda)
Maya Fey (Ace Attorney)
Glados (Portal
Shantae (Shantae)
Princess Peach (Mario)
Roll (Mega Man)

►King Elite 8 2019
Senator Armstrong (Metal Gear)
Doomguy/Doomslayer (Doom)
Kazuma Kiryu (Yakuza)
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
Big Boss (Metal Gear)
The Heavy (Team Fortress 2)
Duke Nukem (Duke Nukem)
Wario (Wario)

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Other urls found in this thread:



Fingers crossed so the Megaman girls can get through!

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Attached: Anchor Waves.jpg (400x400, 184.89K)

Quick! Post your predictions on which girls WON'T make it in the bracket.

Attached: princesselise.jpg (523x337, 21.31K)

Where's the poll?

C'mon man, there's got to be a better way than just manually counting votes. It's been 2 hours.

i hope geb made it in

Attached: GebStickerShy.png (252x224, 15.59K)

Take my support, user.

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your waifu

Just like the elections last week

all the Danganronpa characters

Vote Marnie if she gets through
Ok, now I'm gonna go to sleep.

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>bramball vs spore controller
Who wins?

Attached: 724BD8C4-D09E-4DE3-B992-E0A890C342E9.png (3000x541, 3.86M)

Maya Amano and Tanya Adams.

Attached: big head.jpg (880x750, 94.9K)

Does your waifu have any good quotes?

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What the actual fuck is this image supposed to represent

persona 2 should have been counted as a separate series from P3 onwards

>Absolutely Safe Capsule on both sides
It might not matter if both sides also have reality-warpers.
Also Spore Controller would win, by virtue of it being controlled by a human player.

For me, it's Mommy Nyx.

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"I want that throne."

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Attached: damm gabcom.jpg (978x950, 981.98K)

Did she even get nominated? I don't think I saw her.

Which side wins left or right
Teleport inside the capsule
Also the bramball vs spore controller question was more for who gets more votes


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"YEAAGGIOOOOOO" - spore controller

>Of course... I do love you. Isn't that how you've made me?

Attached: Unattainable perfection.jpg (1138x1542, 1.9M)

Let's paint the town RED!

Attached: peacockskullgirls.jpg (340x385, 37.85K)

"you've GOT to be kidding"

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Today I will remind them

Attached: Based and skinpilled.png (528x310, 295.16K)

May the stars shine down on you.

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Why would you make an intermission thread?
You should've waited until you were done with qualifiers.

>No Launchpad McQuack-tier entrant on either tier
Y'all are fucking gay now, I guess Wario's okay for subversion

Yeagio is my favorite mario brother


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*french-chinese gibberish*

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>Ever heard of the saying, “silence gives consent”? Consent enough for even hot lead to be embedded in your skull?

Attached: unga thighs.png (800x800, 370.61K)

"Still just a bud."

Attached: holly trapped travis (mushisotisis).png (700x801, 278.45K)


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Qualifier Results:
Qualifier Responses:

Blank Bracket:


Poll will be up soon and bracket will be updated

I’m rrally sorry about all this. This is a lot and I’m a little in over my head.
Thank you for your patience

You're a man, aren't you? A grown man! Stop crying!

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