Give me your FUCKIN game idea

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Harry Potter persona games

Tango and Cash with a hybrid of Resident Evil 5 coop/action and A Way Out coop scenes.

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plumber brothers rescue a princess

Brokeback Mountain: The Game

Furry dating simulator that isn't shit or gay.

>not gay

Zig Forums Simulator

football (sawker) where I can punch and kick the opponents

monstergirl catching game but it's also gacha. It plays like a real game and you get catching balls throughout the game but you have to spend premium currency for better balls with limited time spawns.

Underaged battle nuns who get raped by monsters, in a quasi og zelda clone, with no lose state.

The darksouls of porngames, if you will.

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Power ranger tactics RPG

You play as a feral child.

Xcom-style strategy in 1960s Saigon’s underworld, with a focus on diplomacy with various political and criminal factions.

open world exploration game that's actually open world
no, not just procedurally generated, but like an earth-esque open world where you wind up in the same spot by holding w


Age of Empires, but it's in 1950-2020 Africa.
> machetes
> cannibalism
> WWII surplus
> short shorts
> slavery
> piracy
> midge burgers
> mercenaries
> cold war surplus
> toyotas
> landmines
> paratroopers
> hyperinflation

Isn't that basically House of the Dead Overkill but without the Light Gun stuff

- Hades but you're escaping Castle Wolfenstein
- Bojack videogame
- Death stranding but with pokemon

You whip Bobby Kotick with your belt until he stops mismanaging Ubisoft

I was just going "homage" Link's Awakening and call it a day.

analmisery but it's not freeplay shit

Mech game on an alternative planet where weaponry did not develop the same way ours did on earth. Exotic ass mechs make up the bulk of the war effort.

Main character is an engineer seeking revenge but instead of building his own mech he builds a modern day Tank. Basically the game is about higlighting how impractical mech suits are and sycking off how based irl tanks are.

singleplayer rpg where the player gains a universal remote like the one from click and goes on an adventure solving mysteries and fixing events. the more the player uses the remote, temporal monsters from another timeline that hit harder and take creativity to defeat. let me know if it's shit or not.

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Brazilians already did it.

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Holy shit that looks like it actually has a lot of soul. Please tell me its good?

You can't handle my ideas, mr. robberman

A horror fighting game that has a beat-em-up campaign. Bosses are other characters. I'm shocked that it hasn't been done.

A game where you can roleplay just as a paladin.
You can be as extreme or as tame as you like, everything from being a basic bitch to a speciest, homicidal elf exterminator.

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Mighty Magiswords adventure game where you get to quest, do mercenary work and collect Magiswords.
Either a classic Point and Click or an Action Platformer.

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>lol this remote is cool look at all this funny shit it does
>wtf whered this shithead come from i cant fucking kill him fuck this game
i'm assuming you mean they turn up as part of the main quest line in which case that could be a cool idea

Tactical waifu single player game

I'd play the fuck out of this.

Arm Joe 2 by a talented developer team
French and English options. Use music from the musical as the soundtrack. Balance the cast. 2D spritework. Good netcode

Goblin Simulator
Bandit Simulator
Mischievous Imp Simulator that's a combination of Hitman and Under the Skin with Wind Waker Art Influences, also shortstack imp ass.

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