Those fucking Desmond audio files

>those fucking Desmond audio files
I realize the stirrings of atheist propaganda was already present in the first game. And don't even get me started on AC Revelations. But I like how these French Canadian fucks aren't even hiding their anti-Christian sentiment anymore. I wonder if I bitched hard enough on Twitter, Ubisoft would offer an official apology and a patch to boot.

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>Playing western AAA garbage

Nobody to blame but yourself.

Blow me, this year has been a famine for video games, and I needed something to tide me over until Cyberpunk.

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>atheist propaganda
you're too old to believe in fairytales

*fedoras tip

>Byzantines are the villains

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Explain. What do they say?

Also the setting is about ancient aliens and every "miracle" is someone using an alien artifact. no reason to believe in God or gods when its like marvel comics and they are all just hyper advanced aliens. And yes i know captain america believes anyway but thats because hes based

FYI bro The game was atheist from the first one when the apple of eden was a fucking alien mind control device.

Do you even go to church? Youre a sinner, shut the fuck up

>didn't read the original post

those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

Why is everyone bitching about the length of the game and the high levels you need to achieve. More games need to grind, absolutely disgusting that people want a game mainstreamed and spoonfed.

Probably the worst part of revelations was walking around while that dbsg told how all religions lived peacefully while omitting that they butchered them first. And Ezio listening to it with a straight face

Someone tweet this to Ubisoft, see if they kowtow like castrated turds, when compared to the burn victim nonsense.

I blamed trump but now i realize he was just another excuse to go after the christ cucks.
Its a dead religion anyway, the pope is pozzed and im surprised no ones assassinated him yet. Eastern Orthodox ftw.

What happens?

Every single JRPG is anti-christian and no one gives a fuck.

Dragon Quest proves you wrong, retard.

I don't think I'd ever be hungry enough to eat shit

do drugs. at this rate, they'll be cheaper than video games.

>Eastern Orthodox
Lick the dick of your Sunni masters, dog

So why are there mythological creatures and beasts in this game?

Let them screech as much as they want, play (pirate) this lazy game and then go to church on sundays.
It shouldn’t change your beliefs if some pixels scream “jesus bad” in your tv.

Christianity is the Straight White Male of religions, so it's ok to be prejudiced against it

run better on ps5 LOL


Fuck off christcuck bong.

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i just pre ordered this game

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Someone just post it already

What happened with Article 13 anyways

so when does this game take place anyways?

>preordering games
>preordering (((ubishit))) games
>in 2020

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mid 800s

Lol are they still doing the current year world stuff in these games?
Haven't played one since 3