
can we just fuck off with this term and just call it savory already? it's not like every time a cooking video says umami, they follow it up with the definition of savory. enough with this weeb shit Zig Forums

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You didn't find it so you don't get to name it.
Seethe more westcuck.

Huh what u mean?

if you speak english you have no right to bitch about loanwords

I agree
Other languages can make their own words for flavors

anime will never be kino

video games

Your mommy is umami

what are some umami video games

ck please go back to your board and Taco Bell threads

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Certainly not switch games. Have you tried licking those cartridges?


>Zig Forums - food and cooking

anything with /ss/
urmami is a very hot fetish.


just saw this thread on /ck/ too lmao
op is a seething retard


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but savory is already a flavor, savoriness is different

The Japanese word for "sweet" is "amai" and "sweetness" is "amami". The word for "delicious" is "umai", "deliciousness" is "umami". It's like poetry, it rhymes.

i saw this thread on /ck/
why is it on Zig Forums now?
this isn't video games op


dont go to /ck/

Attached: cktrap.jpg (3120x4160, 1.02M)

Vood and vooking

this is what happens when you go /deenz/

Anyone using japanese words when a much more well known english synonym exists is being a weeb

wa la

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Next time try discovering it first you fucking autist.
Keep seething over a word you find weird.

Cooking Mama
Phoenix Wright
Death Stranding
Good puzzle games like Return of the Obra Dinn
Spacechem-style games

Fighting games and RTSs have potential for umami, but like durian, are very specific tastes and not suitable for the general population

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Umami is different from savory. It takes superior nipponese tastebuds to taste the difference, don't be too upset that your pleb western tongue can't tell the difference.


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wrong board you stupid whore

OP have you literally eaten ANYTHING in Japan before?

You're right though.

Savory doesn't mean the same thing as Umami, it's just the closest English counterpart to a concept put language doesn't have. English is prone to adopting words as much as it adapts the meaning of existing words. Get over it fag, I've got all this Umami and you choose salty.

Didn't knew doctors were weebs. Since they use that word as it's the correct term.

>Death Stranding

>vinegared-rice rolls.

loan words are used when a synonym in your native language doesn't exist. If you're using loan words for basic english then you're a cringe weeb, sorry

Shut up you stupid redditnigger. Literally nobody cares about what makes you antsy.
I hope weaboos kill you by forcefeeding you umami until you explode faggot.

imagine going through all the work to do this stupid serving dance and all the fuckheads at the table have their phones out for it.

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go to bed kek

We're reaching soi levels that shouldn't even be possible.


I agree. As far as I can tell, the taste maps directly to the savor of meat. Loanwords are for when there's no comparable concept. I just say savory.
t. weeb

Sweet, savory, sour... what are the other ones?

This fag probably isn’t even watching higurashi gou. What a pathetic subhuman user. Lmao.

Salty, bitter

i uh... what am i looking at?

>if it's japanese then it's weebshit!!
Just say you hate Japan and fuck off already.


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>Says unexpected food combinations
>Doesn't say they are good
Sly foxes

>Manager: Yeah, just go throw this shit on his table. I ordered it for my kids art class, but she got the 'rona and skipped it so now I got ten lbs of this garbage and nothing to do with it.
>Manager: Charge him 1500 bucks too.

>higurashi gou
Can we just get umineko again

I reacted viscerally to this.

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ok so was the video game savory or what?

Glad you could bake it, Lord Umami

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Isn't salty just a specification of savory?

imagine doing a stupid serving dance and then getting paid hundreds of dollars for providing a shitty meal

sneedory formerly chuckmi



No. I think people thought that for a long time (hence why savory is a "new" flavor) but salty is the taste of salts (most often table salt, but other salts taste salty too) whereas savory is the taste of proteins and glutamates.

Hm. The more you know.

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Post the one where they eat shit out of the toilet.

What is the most umami gamer fuel? My vote goes to jerky.

Attached: beef jerky.jpg (820x800, 192.09K)

Those waiters are not making hundreds.

Attached: mcdouble.webm (640x640, 2.15M)

>genre and category
>Sauerkraut, kimchi, pickled cabbage
>(((Behemoth))), giant, titanic, (((Leviathan)))
English borrows words for the same fucking concept literally all the time



i give up. where's the 4th clown?

Same. I want to learn Japanese so I can coom to untranslated H-games.

bone apple tea

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they're all looking at (you)

There are other boards on Zig Forums besides Zig Forums, Zig Forums, and Zig Forums, you know.