Comfy Switch Thread

comfy switch thread

>what you playan?

>what games are you looking forward to?

>any good co-op games to recommend?

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post poopa

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>any good co-op games to recommend?
Overcooked is on sale right now, try that. It's really fun

if i do, will you talk about videogames?

thx for the rec


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Yeah, I'll talk about video games after that
As long as it's not the same pic that was already posted earlier

Should I get a switch? I want something to play in bed but I feel like the switch has no games.

I second this motion

post feet

post tummy

Switch has nintendo games so if you like those you're good. BOTW is GOAT. It also has a bunch of ports so if you don't care too much about worse graphics and performance then you're also good.

ok cool

switch has lots of good games desu
i'm playing these 2 to get ready for the new hyrule warriors

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Tits or gtfo

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Thinking of getting a Switch. Will most definitely use it exclusively as a handheld. Should I just get the lite despite the drifting issues?

Def gonna play the Zelda games but what other games Should I play?

not happening. it has a dick.

you cant just cover up that much and expect us to talk about video games
we're gonna have to see more before this conversation can continue

Tits or gtfo

beggars cant be choosers user :0

I now completely understand why fathers are terrified to have daughters. Its like picking the nightmare difficulty but you don't get a choice.

tits or gtfo

you will never be a woman
you might be able to pass with that manjaw at least, consider surgery before trying again

Blessed thread
i have been playing MHGU

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What if Zelda was a girl? The answer is OOT. Always OOT.

I'm not begging I'm stating facts

>Those fingers

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i mean, i guess if youre going exclusively handheld. the screen is smaller though and you might change your mind later. playing on the couch is pretty cozy

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I've been playing dark souls.

Funny how switch threads have girls and snoy and xbot threads have nothing but neck beards

Wizard of Legend, Castle Crashers, N++

it has more games worth playing than ps4 or xbox tbqh so no worries there

Didn't expect a new pic. To answer your questions, I haven't really been playing switch because my left joycon is fucked, but I'm excited for NMH3. As for co-op games, I don't play a lot, but I played a bit of Travis Strikes Again's co-op and that was pretty fun

will you be my wife?

Got back into Three Houses again.
Massive pothole stole a good 400hrs of my life. And that's just from Crimson Flower and Verdant Wind. Stopped a few months back on Azure Moon just before Flayn going poof, but I'm trying it again and it's just as fun as I remember.
I also want to try Shadow Dragon on release, but the 'LIMITED TIME' bullshit is making me just considering getting a JPN rom with a translation patch.

Really excited for Bowser's Fury to come out. Never got to play 3D World, so it's basically a new game for me.

can you post your soles?

Never seen so many backwards ass country simps in my life

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as long as you talk about videogames >:c

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John, please come home to your loving parents and stop living this lie