I mean seriously?
How is Halo even still a thing?
It died as soon as 343 took over. 4 destroyed the optimistic fan and even the most die hard fans called it a day with Guardians.

And it's not like CoD where it's "in". To a late zoomer it just looks like a zany gay space queer baby game.

Who the fuck is buying this?
Why couldn't you just let the poor franchise die?

t. a fan since 2001

Attached: a dead franchise.jpg (970x1371, 251.79K)

>How is Halo even still a thing?
good core gameplay

>How is Halo even still a thing?
Because Phil Spencer is retarded enough to still be giving 343 money.

Zoomers and nostalgia fags.

If it really interest you. Look for the "actman" halo vids on youtube, so you can get on the mindset of those types of people.

Phil's purehearted enough to want to deliver hope.

Core gameplay alone shouldn't carry a game this long.
Especially when everything else has been ruined.

I will check them out. ty
I am genuinley fascinated by the fact it still sells.

Zoomers don't care about halo.

And yet Halo5 multiplayer is so good, its better than all the cinematic exclusive dogshit on the PoS5 put together
Sorry kiddo, Halo's not going anywhere

Halo has literally been mediocre shit from the first game and it never improved. If you ever liked these games, you have shit taste and need to play better games.

t. someone who's been playing vidya since the 80s


>Core gameplay alone shouldn't carry a game this long.

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It's the public face of Xbox so Microsoft has no choice but to continue phoning it in every few years

Fucking retard.
Read my post again. I've been a fan since day one, I'm not a PS fanboy.

Halo 5 was the worst entry in the series. It's a insult to even suggest the multiplayer was good. The only half decent thing was breakout. Everything else was shit.

the mp is solid, if barebones
>inb4 muh sprint
not a gamebreaker and its reasonably balanced

>why yes i buy the same game 600 times. how could you tell?

Attached: this is you you faggot.jpg (516x536, 48.06K)

Do fake halofans like this virgin actually think their asshurt bandwagon "opinions" picked up on reddit, matter?
Like ok virgy, I get it you're an angry angry little bitchboy
Halo's not going anywhere though because at its "worst" you still cant name better FPS games that came out at the same time of H4 and H5

>has a 6-part review of Halo 5's campaign and why it's shit

Doesn't get more smoothbrain than this. Good gameplay absolutely carries games you autist.

>why yes i pay 60 dollars for a glorified interactive movie

>the mp is solid, if barebones
But see>inb4 muh sprint
>not a gamebreaker and its reasonably balanced
Sprint isn't really a 5 thing though anyway.

No it doesn't you consoomer sperg.
Fuck, you low t gimps are every thing wrong with modern gaming.
SeeCouldn't have summed it up better.

Replaying Halo4 right now on my Series X
Amazing game

How does refusing to pay for a rehash minus the story equate to this?

I'll wait.

Barry, can you please stop appropriating every putdown I throw at you, it looks absolutely pathetic
Like.. are you just gonna be this little butthurt parrot version of me until the end of time?
t. the guy who taught you how to swear

there hasn't been a halo game since it ended with 3 what do you mean user?

and halo reach was ok too

No argument then?
Ok. I win.

if you dont see buying a sequel with the same core gameplay you like as being worth it i can only assume you value story instead
or you just dont buy new games at all

ODST was very flawed but still somewhat unique. It deserved to exist.
Reach was better than people give it credit for. People get hung up on armor lock.
343 Halos are sin tho.

>t. assblasted scrub that can't 4 shot
get fucked kid lmao

halo is the most iconic franchise of Xbox they will keep it going like Mario for Nintendo regardless of how much you like it

Honestly I get your point. I loved halo 1-3 and reach. Still though even back then they milked it, and they are still milking this cow! Like move onto a new ip, make some scifi space babes or something lol. Give halo a break holy shit the cow is so dry. Same goes for assassins creed, like how much more can they milk that franchise? Move onto a different series with different stories and characters and some new gameplay, you dont need to milk the same god damn universe until its as dull as fuck.

sorry vent over.

upvoted and awarded gold

These internet bandwagon virgins ruined more shooters with their begging and never fixed a single one. Look towards battlefield if you want to see a game turned to absolute shit by listening to suggestions from desperate bandwagons who act butthurt for the sake of acting butthurt

Halo4 shits all over Reach but its pop culture to have shit taste and post copes about it

It needs to have both and improvements to qualify as a worthwhile Halo game.
Story is a must. Gameplay is a must. And if you are going to ruin the story then you must significantly (can't stress enough) improve the gameplay (no matter how good) or vary it to warrant a new game.

Buying a game over and over just because the gameplay is the same, at the loss of story and variation is peak consumerism.

I feel bad for everyone who thought they're making Halo great again just because Master Chief's Bungie era helmet appeared in the announcement trailer.

I'll be honest, I don't know why people like Halo: CE. I didn't play it much when it originally came out so I don't have much nostalgia for it, but I find the other Halo games blow it out of the water.

CE feels like a bad, boring game to me.

You need gimmicks to win. How sad.

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>How is Halo even still a thing?
it isn't, the halo fad died a decade ago. infinite is the last remnant of a pre-bethesda microsoft, they no longer have to keep parading around master chief's dead body as a mascot.

the mp was improved over halo 4, though mostly by returning to the series roots
im only getting like 10 hours out of a campaign vs 10 fold that if the mp is good so ill take gameplay over story any day of the week

yes? why do you think cod and fifa keep selling after all these years

it was v innovative for its time

Huge halo fan back in the day. I tried playing through MCC with a friend recently and these games did not age well. Slow as fuck and lazy designed levels.

CE is bad by the standards of improvements to Halo 2.

But CE was revolutionary, that's why it's loved. It just is not good when compared to 2.