Remember to be nice to your fellow snoys or you'll be labelled toxic.

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Why don't you just act nice then? If you can't or won't then maybe you shouldn't get a PS5.

This shit is getting ridiculous. Remember the days of teabagging and calling people horrible names and screaming kids on xbox live?

Sooner society collapses the better. The Internet is being strangled by this normie safe space shit.

>Kill someone in competitive game
>Get negative karma from butthurt tryhard

PSN records speech to when someone complains about language. As for complaints about conduct, they surely have algorithms to prevent abuse. For example if someone makes many unsubstantiated reports his reports will be given lower consideration in future and he will face sanctions for abusing the system.

>fellow snoys
what the fuck is a snoy?

>Remember the days of teabagging and calling people horrible names and screaming kids on xbox live?
I hated it. Good riddance to that.

I think the fact that people act like such faggot niggers online that we now have to REWARD good behavior is the most alarming part.

Take me back bros

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Or you could play games on something that isn't trying to setup a Chinese style social credit system techno dystopia. You're probably trolling but fuck me if there aren't boot licking pricks that think exactly like this.

If gaming went this way then piracy would be the downright moral thing to do.

First day on Zig Forums?

lurk more


>Literally plebbit-tier karma awards
>Some guy will brag about having like 5,000 awards

This is some cringe basedboi trash.


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So, we are now in a social credit system. I though only the big Chinese dictatorship did that?

Who was in the wrong here?

>Or you could play games on something that isn't trying to setup a Chinese style social credit system techno dystopia.

You're ridiculous - you could just as easily compare any system of reward and punishment to SCS (or indeed any other dystopic good citizenship program)

>Boss gives you a verbal and written warnings if you mess up, but a raise if you do well

"What is this, red China!"

>Elementary school teacher draws a smiley face on your hand if you're good, a frown if you're naughty

"Looks like the Hitler-Jugend, Bund deutscher Arbeiterjugend is alive and well!"

you went full retard


A miserable little pile of onions!

Take your meds

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All in the face of a mute function
Surely they wouldn't simply trust their self-appointed authorities to not be the toxic ones

You got teabagged far too many times right?

How did so much change in just one generation?

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>recreational video games need a reward and punishment system equivalent to school or a job

If you don't like what someone is saying, block them. Problem solved.

Just another part of fun that gaming lacks now. Sissies will disagree.

Opening the internet and games to normalfags ruined everything.

Nah, I played on PC

>Surely they wouldn't simply trust their self-appointed authorities to not be the toxic ones

What trust? Don't you know what algorithm means?

I love how all these things try to portray toxic people as the person you "don't want to be" but end up just making them seem more badass then they actually are

Kids who played in UNDERGROUND fucked.

Did those even actually change who you were matched up with? I feel like it didn't matter.

Apparently they do

why the fuck would you use a riot shield in tenth prestige?

i think acting like shitscum is part of online playing for many people. in the same way the game itself is a fantasy simulator, so being a cunt to everyone is allowing a behavior most wouldn’t attempt in real life. call it immature if you want but it is a tension reliever for some and meaningful part of the experience for them.

This is what happens when you make being a faggot legal.

kek. got the reference

Someone called you something mean, faggot?

>mfw I'm playing r6 siege
>mfw my team is losing
>mfw I hide away on the last round as maestro
>mfw I put up my laser turrets
>mfw I write "NIGGER" on the wall and wait for all my teammates to die
>mfw I kill myself in front of the wall with my laser cam
>mfw everyone has to watch the final killcam

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So you got teabagged by grown men.

I shouldnt spoonfeed you like an autist but since I havent been around here for a while, it's a combination of "sony" and "onions".

>Someone called you something mean, faggot?

Non sequitur.

Hilarious considering almost no one uses mics already on PSN

Rewarding being nice just encourages people to be disingenuous
Being nice should be its own reward, that's what makes it special for someone on Zig Forums to be genuinely kind to you, as rare as it is
Compare that to some faggot on reddit kissing ass because he's trying to suck internet points from people left and right to feed his ego

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>don't get a ps5
way ahead of you

how does sony and onions make snoy?
shouldn't it be sonions or ony?