Godfall thread

Godfall thread.

Post your stats and favorite valorplate so far, also discuss how you feel about the game. Critics said it was shit but I'm having a blast, sadly there are only 12 valor plates and I only like a handful of them. Greyhawk probably my second favorite for aesthetics, looks like some cool templar/paladin armor, but I really want to unlock Armistice. That armor looks really cool and has some pretty nice abilities.

Attached: file.png (1903x1079, 3.95M)

>Social is a tab in AAA games' menus now.
Fuck I hate modernity.

I haven't even tried forming a party or playing with other people, so not sure how that works or if it makes the game more fun. I figured it would, but I have no friends, unless the game just pairs you up with random players. I only played for a few hours, so might experiment more tomorrow.

How does this work btw? Do you still create an avatar that put on these plates or what?

Please tell me you aren't actually playing this garbage.

>Comes into thread for a game he obviously doesn't like, nor has played

Get a life.

Sadly there is no character creation. You play as a guy named Orin, who is basically the MC of the game, BUT there are twelve different kinds of special armor called valorplate that you can unlock throughout the game, which changes his appearance and gives him different abilities and stuff.

>a guy named Orin

Alright that's a pass for me then, hope you have fun

Should have been f2p and GaaS.

What's wrong with that name? Especially in a made up setting?

You mean it should have been like a F2P MMORPG? I could see that, like let people pick a class and create their own character, etc.

I mean, thanks? The name shouldn't really bother you so much that you don't want to play the game.

The menu looks godawful, I hope you didn't buy the game

Go to sleep, Randy. No one likes you or your shitty games or the fact you're sucking Epic's dick. Fuck off with your generic game for fags.

So is this just the next "hey we need a game with good graphics to show what the new consoles can do" game?

Or is it just anthem with swords?

How in depth is the combat? To me it looks just a little too shallow to keep me invested in the looting loop they want you to do for a long time.

>Try to discuss a game

Take your pills, schizo.

>Anthem with swords

Eh, not quite like that. You get fancy armor, but it's nothing like Anthem. The visuals are pretty though.

There are five weapon types and over 30 skills to unlock with each skill having five level ups that increase that skill's power and effects. I think combat starts off very shallow and basic, but opens up when you unlock more stuff. You can block and parry attacks as well, also cause status effects to enemies like fire, poison, shock, apply DOTS, etc.

I won't deny that the game is obviously suppose to be grindy or set up that way. You can grind for better gear, upgrade it, grind for materials to unlock new armor, etc. I don't know if they're planning to have like raids or dungeons that you can do in co-op or with friends. I know right now you can go on missions with two other players, so it might be more fun playing in a group.

ITT : reddit spacing shills.
>in depth
You press X

Is this an unironic shill thread?

an actual, honest to god shill that doesnt make his buck out of bait

im all for you getting your money user,i mean, you ARE getting paid right? would be a shame if you were doing this for free

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Is this like Diablo?

>Muh shill and bait threads

Do you people not take your medication? Can a person not just try to have a discussion about a game they're enjoying? I know you all think the game is trash, but I've been enjoying it so far. Not saying it's 10/10 or amazing, but I'm having fun, so it's not like it was a complete waste of money.

Well, it's got loot tier drop system like Diablo, but that's about it. Just go look up some gameplay on Youtube and you'll get an idea of what the game is like and how it plays.


Attached: modern_UI.jpg (1280x2886, 1.71M)

>TFW liking Godfall
>Loved GoW
>Loved Odyssey
>Hated Destiny

3 out of 4 is pretty good, also maybe you're just picky or maybe I just don't let it bother me like you.

>Some user actually enjoys game despite it getting generally mediocre reviews
You guys just hate when someone's having fun?

You will never be a real women.

>You guys just hate when someone's having fun?

No, they don't. It really upsets them that at least one person is enjoying the game. They can't stand it.

>difference between armor is 1 passive stat akin to 5% crit chance or 5% more health and 1 active ability that has 2/3 passives when its active
>most armor shares active abilities too
This game makes Anthem look good.

But Anthem was good, well, for what we got.

Not kidding, Anthem had better classes and weapons. Its pathetically shallow.

>Anthem was good
Fuck off shill. No one is going to buy your dead shallow game.

Why not? That UI layout just works on consoles and part of good interface design is familiarity with common standards.
Can you point what's wrong with your examples?

kill yourself faggot and slowly you lost your human rights


You people are really thin-skinned.

Because these games are made for smooth brain children looking for a zero challenge dopamine hit from looting items in grinds. The UIs are designed for those types of people who pay no attention to world building, gameplay or quality. So the UI is the sort of thing you'll find at a McDonalds fast food screen for the impatient and lazy.

I dont care I just enjoy triggering you and watching your lame shill thread go to page 15 in a hurry kek. But thanks for ousting yourself, get a real job and maybe you wont be so insecure about your life.

no offline mode for single player game

UI designer here (not for games though, but I imagine what I have to say applies to games as well).

There are set standards for UI and graphic design that professionals are expected to adhere to. Think of something like MLA/APA for writing. It slowly changes over time, but what we see in modern game UI's seems to line up a lot with what are considered standard and best practice for UI design in general. UI design standards in the 2000s was very different from the standards we have now, with a lot of change occurring in around 2009. Pre-2000 was the wild west of UI design, with little in the way of set standards.

I got this game for free with my pc. It fucking sucks lol it's like I'm playing bujingai again. All flash, no substance, but even the flash goes away after 2 minutes