We finally got some new gameplay footage of Resident Evil 8: Village. For some reason Sony made a tennis player play a horror game even though she said she didn’t like horror. Skip to 1:48 for gameplay. I just think it’s funny Sony is getting all these black people who obviously don’t play video games to pretend they do lmao. What are your thoughts?

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That bitch is so ugly, please stop posting her.

shes the only one i dont mind

I have seen a few of these PS5 commercials. Am I even able to make an account on the PS5 if I am white?

Why is she so clutch in tennis bros?

looks interesting

did 7 have much replay value ? i remember finishing it shortly after launch and not ever picking it up again, wasn't bad though.

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>cant even post a timestamped link
Game looks alright. How long is it going to be held hostage on consoles?

I wish I could fill her pussy with my white cum

Are you that fucking lazy you can’t skip a minute yourself? I gave you the link you can do the rest yourself

>commercial about exploring
>guy in space, cut to black girl watching it on tv in the 60s
>black guy climbing mountain
>(is it black history month again?)
>turns out it's an ad for PS5 lmao
>immediately think of this

Attached: EbxF3E1UYAUrWz5.jpg (750x994, 125.81K)

I did you phoneposting shitposting faget.

I bet your cock is 4 inches

I was gonna buy a ps5 but I don't think they represent my demographic. I don't want to invade minority spaces.

>blacks see mountain climbing as a pointless thing
>meanwhile blacks enjoy throwing a ball into a hoop

>how come dem whypeepo like dem mountains 'n shieeet

some times we like to leave the concrete plantation

>pic related

They figure out that, after buy all the whites, they could buy all blacks too. Like a new form of slavevry, neolibs Friedrich Hayek type wet dreams and shit.
But about the game, I don't know if it's youtube compression but those materials don't look very good.

i had never seen a japanese nigger before

Ayo, why do dem black Pipo be shootin each other and shiet, dem niggas crazy


Miscegenation should be punished with death.

>tfw the only mountain climber i know is a black guy

Bro you’ve never heard of Kimora Lee Simmons?

My god she is ugly

He is the only black the mountains will ever see.

That framerate looks fucking rough.

I thought Xbox was bad for selling out to the blacks recently but Sony always takes it to a new cuckold level.

Why are black peoples the only ones that fail to assimilate or share their own culture? Look at the Mexicans. They all love the idea of driving pickup trucks and drinking beer while watching NFL games. They love when other people try to speak in their language and explore their cuisine.
Black people on the other hand constantly reword their slang to differentiate themselves from the rest of America. And when everyone else tries to join it, black people meet the attempt with disdain and belittling. They especially hate it when a non-black is successful in hip-hop. As if music is something to be culturally restricted to your skin color.
I’m a Mexican American and I’m fucking getting sick of black people.

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>There was nothing even there
Why did she mean by this? I thought they were paying her to advertise the console, not to throw shit at NoGaymesStation 5.

Attached: Whoa.png (698x400, 381.66K)

What*, moron.

You're cool with Pardos right? We're like Mestizos but have African heritage. The Moors, West African Empires, slaves, etc.
In Brazil we give our women to you brown Mestizos and Castizos. Castizo and Mestizo women may be some of the most beautiful women.
We're not like Caribbean people where we act like niggas trying to be cool by speaking broken languages. Brazilian Mulattos are culturally Latin American as fuck. It's shame Pardos in Spanish America don't have a racial classification. I hate how all these nigs and Mulattos and Zambos are trying to claim that the Olmecs were niggers. That the Moche were "bruthas" just because they were brownish. Truth is they were a reddish brown but the mind of a nig is a terrible thing. They'll over-look facts somehow if that's possible just so things can fit their black Nazi-rhetoric.

>why do white people go mountain climbing
to get away from niggers

Vergonha alheia.

Here's the gameplay without all the other bullshit. I like Naomi though she's a qt