Do you think it's okay that Steam is allowing porn games to sell better than other hardworking indie devs on their...

Do you think it's okay that Steam is allowing porn games to sell better than other hardworking indie devs on their store?

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I think it's disgusting but I honestly don't give a shit.

No, hardworking indie devs should be banned from the platform completely

The market has spoken.

>you have to enable porn games to see them on the market
How about fuck off commie

>we deserve to sell more!

clearly not hardworking enough
numbers don't lie fucko

>allow to sell better
they sell better because there's more demand, why the fuck would Steam clamp down on that? That's more revenue for them too.

If you are making a game, consider making a low effort porn game aside

Anyone else happy for libraheart?

Would other games sell better if the porn games are all gone from Steam?

Yes, fuck that guy and fuck his shit game.

Puritanism has been making a comeback on he internet lately, with youtube and patreon and other big plaforms cracking down on content creators they deem even a little too raunchy.
It's refreshing to see platforms that don't cave to this kind of bullshit out of fear of scaring off advertisers or being 'cancelled'.

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Well maybe they should try to compete in the competitive market no?

The generation that cried like faggots for more sexual freedom now restricts all forms of sexual expression.

Do people really pay for porn? They could have real sex with that money

Its weird how puritanism from the right faded only for puritanism from the left to skyrocket. And this isn't to say its gone from the right of course Gab showed that.

Valve's on top of the industry and they know it.

>Indie devs
Good one.

it isnt even true puritanism its insidious ideological puritanism

being horny reduces your inhibitions so you make bad choices, same as how alcohol works
It's why when you're horny you will eat ass or some nasty shit like that then as soon as you cum you're immediately disgusted and weirded out by what you just did

This, porn games are a waste of time and effort to play in all cases but who cares

just because you worked hard on something doesn't mean it can't be shit

>making 200K+ smackeroos a week from hentai

Bros... why aren't you an indie dev yet?

>you can fap only once to a game.

Based poorfag retard.


If faggot localization teams are going to inject tranny fag-talk and censor the plot of nip games, we need to home grown our own degeneracy.

What do you even mean by that? They have different reasons sure, but the base goal of reducing deviancy is the same.


Right, left, they're all authoritarian.
Come home, libertarian man

its great but only normie hentai games are allowed on steam, and steam hasn't set rules for allowed content yet. there's actually been hentai games that got refused and then blocked for no reason, and steam doesn't care because porn is still looked down on.
imagine if that happened to an actual indie game.

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A western company with legitimately sexy female characters would make so much fucking bank it's not even funny

>american puritans buttmad about a busty succubus game
fuck off lads seriously

Overwatch already happened.

2D images = bad
excessive sex with strangers = ok and empowering
the hypocrisy is obvious

You mean games are a waste of time and effort to play in general.

This. Seriously.


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I stopped caring what people spend their money on since the world is going down in flames anyway. Accepting the end has surprisingly made me a lot happier.

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Puritanism was always ideological dummy

Appealing to coombrains is such a shameful but easy way to make money, god damn

>Porn games aren't work on hard (ehem) like my 2D 8x3 sprites platformer #435038958

Both are cancer so what's it matter?

I find it hilarious excessive gore is fine but big naked tiddiez is worse lol.

I don't get it, there's literally a toggle to disable all mention of porn

yes but it was uniform and easy to understand, lefty turbo puritanism exists only so bitter women and beta males can fuck with random people for liking 2D images

I Steam caves to the cretin then they can fuck right off

How is it Steam's problem if one game isn't selling better than another?

Centrist Libertarians for PORN.

Pro tip: Authoritarianism is the only effective form of governance.

>allowing a product to sell
>not interfering with supply and demand
Sounds pretty based compared to the alternative.
>you have used up all your titty points, you must buy and complete 3 tranny side scrolling diaries before you can purchase Boobie Castles

a coomer and his money are soon parted

Hardworking indie devs should work harder.

>puritanism from the left
can you elaborate

>BTFO'd by porn games

This is like being mad that amazon sells dildos.

Puritanism was hard to understand too because Puritans also loved sex and engaged in a lot of it, even to the point that a man was put on trial for not having enough sex with his wife in old Salem.

So it was strange that they preached purity

but then faux puritans wouldn't be able to make themselves mad

the core of the problem is women. they get jealous of literal drawings.

I mean SUCC tower and sword were unironically solid games.
I wouldnt play them without porn but they are better than the average pixel indyshit game

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Sex within marriage was always considered acceptable


Yeah I'm sure that's the reason.

>wow i cant believe you have to opt in on a childrens platform to see porn!
Does Steam know you're underage? You shouldn't be looking at this stuff.

It's only a matter of time bros before ResetEra begins campaigns against these devs and publisher.

Those indie devs should be working hard to make good games rather than working hard to buy premade assets and working hard to wank off games journalists then.

Go to retardera and look for threads about any games with attractive women (especially Jap games), most of the comments will be about how it's "gross" and "objectifying" and other bullshit.