
When the fuck do I get to start mixing medicine into my fertilizer

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I don't know nigger I'm only just about to hit year 3

Literally 5 seconds after I made this thread, I figured it out. You can add fertilizer ingredients other than the 3 basic ones+amber by inspecting the fertilizer again and adding additional components from there.
It feels like there are a lot of mechanics like this, that are kind of obtuse to find the first time around.

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What do I do during the first winter?

did you beat red belly? if so then just get explore points. You'll need a whole day for tilling though

medicine powder is probably fine to mix in whenever, but save flakes. Powder is used to make food that doubles existing food buffs (so it's temporary) but flakes can be mixed with 2 medicine base to make a drink that give a permanent stat boost

i want to kiss you

ive got to go hunting in the volcano area for the mask tonight and trying to get more materials for whatever weapon/outfits i still need and then try getting to the volcano boss

Do you know where to get pesticide ingredients? These straight swift larvae are fucking up my crops like crazy and it won't stop raining.

Yeah I beat the boss. When should I till?

Wait is the game out already?

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starve because your first harvest was terrible

yup, came out 2 days ago
shits comfy

kill yourself

Garlic and wasabi are decent, there's also fish mint but I think that's only in area 4. Salt gives minus toxicity but plus the other 3 (which can be countered with the moonstone from the first area at night). the night item from area 3 and 4 both act as pesticides as well.
You should unlock the next area during a dinner cutscene

everyone had a bad first harvest, you're supposed to

awesome, thanks dude. it works out since i was gonna start doing a bunch of night hunting anyways

No, he's being serious. Your first harvest is *always* terrible, it's part of the story.

I love top spin so much, it absolutely destroys groups even better than the regular launcher

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it felt so great figuring out how to flip turtles without going online and asking someone how

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is there an easy way to get the stat fragment on that nocturnal level or do you just have to wait until your stats are good enough to go through the nighttime route?

Why is it every time I send anything upward and use the 1-handed aerial combo, they always float up too high before the final down-launching strike? Shit's aggravating

that hitstun when a bunch of enemies pinball off each other is so satisfying

How many hours of playtime does this game actually have
For 40 bucks it better be a hundred at least, without Ng+

I haven't tried this yet but you can probably walk in a few minutes before sunrise to get to the top half during the day.

thread mascot

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good thinking

>100 floor abyss where you fight bosses every 5 or 10 levels
somebody lied about this being a 20 hour game

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>literally wastes food and space for no benefit

I'm still early on but holy shit I hate owls. Fuck owls.

are you one of those weird kids that grew up without a mascot?

I bet she smells like grass and sweat haha.

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>it stretches

i feel like this game purposely made my first grow eat shit
>get to the part where the rice dries
>except hey its just gonna rain
>and rain, and rain
>the rice never unsoaks
>winter hits and theres not much i can do
also i must be underleveled or something still because both of the boss enemies ive fought so far were fucking sponges and hit like trucks

unlock that place
go there right away
get to first boss
doing ok damage but taking longer then i wanted
turns to night during fight
everything takes 1 damage

havent been back since

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yes, your first harvest is supposed to be shit, you get more tools and stuff later to let you control it better

is it good?

how do i complete the hares nest knoll task that says something about new heights? cant seem to be able to figure it out

grapple onto flying enemies and sling yourself as high as possible, the omni dash attack skill helps too

I'm so lost on how to water my rice.
They tell me to keep it up to my ankles which is around 20-30%, but then I've got no control of the water temperature and it reads as very high unless I flood the paddy.
So which do I prioritize? Depth or temperature?

Also what's this about letting the water drain naturally?

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Play bionic commando with the birds

long cat is long

It's bullshit. I made the Dutch lady dry a bunch of meat and shit. Sakuna's right to throw a bitchfit.

equip swallow strike(or whatever its called) in the up+O(ps4)
go to top right of the zone, jump and activate skill

Oh god my rice is getting canCER
HELP ME Zig Forums

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Did you try medicine?

have you tried turning the rice off then on again?

Why do I have a bunch a shit keep spoiling? Dutchy doesn't give me an option to process them most of the time. Once I only had the option for rabbit meat and the next day a bunch of shit I had went bad.

In Korea human feces are used to fertilize the rice paddies. Unique bouquet.

start with shallow water (anything less than 30%) until it takes root, then fill the field as much as you want. When the rice gets to the third offshoot stage drain the field dry until it gets the dehydrated status or moves on to the next stage, then fill it back it. At the very end drain it for a bit before harvesting. For high temperatures you can leave both gates open, for low temperatures you can use less water but this causes you to get more weeds and bugs so probably isn't worth it.

Did you teach her how to cook?

I have baka disease 2

you have to have 3 meat to dry it out and multiple vegetables and vinegar to pickle stuff

this game pisses me the fuck off so hardcore i unironically gamer raged but i love the rice paddy sim goddammit.

is this game a harvest sim or a 2D side scroller?


Lads, i wanted to support Edelweiss but with how it is now, i might have to go ahoy on the game now.
But i don't feel good about it.

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