What color is Tails

Should Tails be Orange or Yellow ?

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Both work.

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Orange because it’s the compliment of blue

>two tails
>one orange
>one yellow

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Orange you dumb fuck. What a dumb question. Sonic is blue and orange is the contrast to the color.

Learn some fucking color theory. Anyone that even acknowledges yellow should get a beating.

left is just dark yellow though

Drink more water before you pee


Sega keeps making him yellow though

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>Sega keeps making him yellow though
Sega couldn't shit in India without messing up somehow.

And sonic is a fucking mess of a franchise


If the people taking about complementary colors are to be believed, then this is what color tails should have been in SA2. At least under the same lighting conditions that sonic is currently under.

Attached: SA2.png (1710x900, 559.52K)

Yellow Tails is for being a coward and a sissy that cries for Sonic to save him at the slightest inconvenience or fear.
Orange Tails is for being a brave young lad and a real go-getter that can stand with Sonic.

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His color is friendship and HOPE

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>shit model
>shit lighting conditions

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>Tails and Samus are a good aesthetic combination too

It's almost the same as the complementary color to Sonic's quills that aren't in direct sunlight for his most recent video game appearance.

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Yellow when Knuckles is in game, orange when no Knuckles.

You don’t get to be a condescending asshole then use the wrong color theory terminology. Orange is the complimentary color to blue, which is a different principle from contrast.

SA2 I think says he's orange

Compliments don’t have to be the exact inverse. The concept is not that narrow.


The effective color theory argument for Tails being yellow is that with Knuckles being red then red + yellow + blue is a primary color triad.

>retarded wojak posters can’t even put effort into finding a wojak jpeg

But you're not factoring in Knuckles, who's also in most of those games. With Sonic, Tails and Knuckles, it's blue, yellow and red. Not blue, orange and red. But honestly, even in the classic games he's more of a gold yellow with an orange tinge.

arrest yourself

That’s just to compliment his brown arms.


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They're also extremely fuckable.

orange for games, yellow for porn

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Depends on if he's 1p or 2p

This man paints

More importantly, should Sonic be Blue or Turquoise?

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If tails was alone in your house would you rape him? As a joke though you understand.

Blue for yellow Tails, sky blue for orange Tails.

Modern Sonic being blue and Classic Sonic being turquoise is a good enough compromise for me, but I think classic turquoise should be a darker shade to more closely resemble modern blue

Should Rouge's Nipples be Pink or Brown?
Brown Obviously but Pink is good too. as long as the Bat Tats are Fat

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left for classic tails
right for modern tails

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