Wtf the rat stole my xbox!

Wtf the rat stole my xbox!

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It would suck having balls that huge. Imagine having to constantly be on guard.

Turn the console on and you have enough barbecue to feed a chinese family for weeks

looks like a fuckin mouse to me

I wish I had some rat buddies

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Should be one, mice have long ears and thin tails, rats have thick tails and short ears. I might be mixing up the ear part though.

Based ratbro

it a fucking hamster you flying imbecile

rat rat rat rat

she's a cutie OP, let her play vidya with you

>had to put down my hamster because she suffered from skin cancer and a non-benign tumor
I fucking miss my hamster bros

Fuck rats

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is that a guillotine?

that there's a cute little fucker

Reverse one. A bar with edges on it springs upwards when rat or mouse triggers it, instantly crushing its ribcage, lungs and spine.

more humane than glue traps desu


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Those are illegal here. Stupid to make it suffer with shit like that.


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I was shocked how small the xbox is


Ogey Rrat

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Come here you little shit

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that is a fucking hamster you shitheads

Based rat

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Bro look out that's a scorpion.

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hamsters are just morbidly obese mice

same diff, one just has a worm in its asshole

Sexbox belong to clan-clan now

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