Are you still buying xbox?

are you still buying xbox?

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Why would someone intentionally damage their own Xbox to make the Xbox brand look bad?
I'm genuinely puzzled by this turn of events

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Oh wow that smoke rises in such an even and consistent manner. As if being manufactured by other means.

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You know what's funny? those two cases happened in 2-hour intervals and there haven't been any more similar cases since.

all of it was on tik tok. That app is just a magnet for grifting cunts looking for clout and clicks

Already have mine. Its a beast

yes because it's been debunked to be vaping under the console

Attached: VapeBox.webm (720x1280, 2.87M)

Because everyone quickly realized it was vape smoke.

tiktok is based

Attached: neekolul 357.webm (576x1024, 2.88M)

even IGN agrees

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how much do you think sony paid them to do this?

If she doesn't show bob and vagene she is not my queen

Reminder that this is not real but snoystation bricking is


Attached: overheating.webm (640x360, 185.02K)

are snoys this jewish?

We have the stupidest cunts on the planet running our news outlets, I swear

and it doesn't brick itself due to it's soldered SSD

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How retarded you must be to believe that in case of severe overheating system won't just shut off? You think there's no fucking temperature monitoring and sensors? OOOOHH NONONO IT WILL JUST START SMOKING LIKE IT'S SOME FUCKING CARTOON

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There is obviously someone under that table who has hollowed out the bottom of this very fine looking Microsoft Xbox Series X™ and is blowing vape smoke into it.

>vape in hand

Isn't vape juice sticky? Wouldn't that damage the internals in the long run?

Good job! That's the point of the video! I'm glad for you, you can use your eyeballs!


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i mean what if the sensor is broken and you put your xbox in the oven?

I think only shitty oily ones, which were causing people's lungs to collapse or some shit because of the stickiness.

You underestimate the dedication of snoys

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if sticky oily smoke made your lungs collapse, then pot heads would be dying en masse

this is seriously what they do in their spare time

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Yeah, I have another one coming next week. I also have two more PS5s coming next week. My profit margin for selling these consoles has been around 80%. Its not bad for almost literally no work at all, outside of making a few scripts and driving to the police station, which is all of 5m away, to do sales.

Any word on Microsoft about this?

You can find the same shit in Sony replies. Snoy is just your boogeyman.

Don't you remember about a year ago or so there was that freakout over some people vaping nearly dying. Investigations found it was just shitty oily ones or some such. Most suspect it was some cheapo refilling the containers with that crap, the normal products were fine. Thus only a handful of cases.

That's not dedication, that's autism.

Warning: Don't blow vape smoke into the intake on your xbox and pretend like it's a hardware malfunction.

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I was never going to.
I much rather keep my PC up to date.

this could literally be anything+a green grill, which is weird anyway cause the xsx has a black grill

that's because of vitamin e acetate that was cut with juices to make more product. PG/VG do nothing to your lungs. It's hard to get used to at first and you will cough but after your lungs are coated with the shit you're fine. doesn't mean that's healthy or whatever but your lungs aren't going to be collapsing anytime soon/.

]Warning: Don't blame your shitty hardware on vape smoke and pretend like it's not a serious hardware malfunction.
