
What are your favorite porn games? Pic related, probably the best one I've played. Steam adding support for NSFW, I hope we get some decent titles that aren't just Patreon milked with no progress for months.

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>uses discord memewords.
>has shit taste.


Last i played this was way back when the blonde girls was introduced, did they ever uploaded it so you can fuck her or not?

Akabur is complete fucking garbage and I really don't know why anyone likes his lazy shit.

Town of Passion is kino

sims 4 with mods
unfortunately I don't feel like setting it all up

Care to give some suggestions? I've failed to find any other WEG with similar interactions/engagements. Only critique of Akabur's shit is the lack of any good animation, but besides that they're pretty based.

if you're a narufag who wants a good fap and doesn't mind getting carpel tunnel Jikage Rising is worth it

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Say what you will, at least he fucking updates the game consistently.

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Iris was the best.

This. All of her training segments were great as well, honestly blew me away with the details.

Blonde girl became fuckable in Gold edition but she calls you a pedo if you do.

She'll also only fuck if you complete a quest and get her drunk each time you do the sex.

harem hotel
ashleyfags wya

Today I will remind them.

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I would have liked it better if the other two were scrapped and you just trained her.

It took me HOURS before finally clearing the first girl. Never managed to know what to do with the second one.

based, where do i get it?

nigga you new? f95zone


who's the girl in the middle

I really wish he'd make a Rapunzel Trainer but I'd probably monkey's paw myself and there'd be a ton of shit OCs taking away from Rapunzel's screen time not to mention that faggot self insert Cassandra from the show, the worst OC of all

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>No Haku

Will Iris Quest every get finished?

where's the remake of this game at?

I agree. After going through the Iris stuff I pretty much stopped caring about the other girls entirely.

Modded skyrim is king

Yes and it was tough as tits. There may be more girls but fuck that noise ; game's too fucking hard

CoC, VH because of impreg and ss

It's really just all the exhibitionism that gets me fucking going. Absolutely godly scenes paired with her design made it absolutely fantastic.

And yeah, once you get to her first scene, it's sort of hard to give a fuck about the rest of the case especially Jasmine.


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But gotdamn I want to learn pixelart and spriting for the sole purpose of modding in more shit.

I can't come up with gameplay for my porn game and it makes me sad.

>Try to find a game featuring impregnation
>It's all crazy shit I'm not into
Is vanilla impregnation a forbidden combination or something?

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Ai Dungeon lets you experience every fetish you could ever wish to explore and layer them even. The only exception is adding more than 2 actors it starts to shit itself. That and you can't be a brainlet or it won't output quality. I can't tell you how many times I have fucked demons, monsters, robots, incest, ss, and even obscure things like using a pocketwatch sized portal to fuck lucifer in her bushy red cunt and fucking our offspring years later.

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thx bro

>liking any of the characters other than Jasmine
This is like deliberately going out of your way to get lost on your way to the supermarket

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>Never got into Gold edition because they came out when I had just finished the normal ones
Feels bad, man. Though funny story, I remember there was a modded version of this shit called Bitch Trainer, downloaded it for good laughs and forgot about it. I then let my friend borrow my PC, He finds the folder and that's how my friends discovered I like hentai.

>Pic related, probably the best one I've played.

I can see why you are asking us.

if you use the paid AI thing it handles multiple character a lot better in my experience

You will never play a completed otome function

Princess & Conquest
Although it started getting too fetishy with the update solely focused on fatties and then succubi and now fembois. A lot of routes are still unfinished (rabbit princess reeee) and the updates started slowly down because they're already working on ANOTHER game

Female scar best girl BY FAR tho

I do but I haven't tried any more than 2 characters since orgies typically made it act less detailed and makes it try to sum up the scene. 1.3 random and max reply length is what i'm rolling on my settings.

You can't have sex with any men in this game, why would they have Haku?

>The whole draw of the game is corrupting a pure Disney princess
>2/3 of the game spent on shitty backalley slut OCs

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Isn't the entire point of the game to have children to bring your clan back from the brink? Why would you start fucking men?

already dead by the time the gametakes place, dead characters are promised for part 3