BO Cold War Singleplayer

What's the Zig Forumserdict? Worth pirating?
Better than MW2019?

Attached: call-of-duty-black-ops-cold-war.jpg (990x660, 122.7K)

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It's not out yet

I beat it. It's a much better campaign than MW. Has some choices. Make sure to do the side missions they are both actual levels with new location. MP on series X is a smooth 120fps on my hdmi 2.1 TV. RT is just shadows so I'd go 120 over using the 60hz only RT mode for campaign. The campaign is not 3 hours long it's closer to 5 or 6. I can't really get a time spent on Xbox but it's about average. Has some replay value

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Is it worth pirating in the future? I'd like to play it but I'm not paying 60€ since the BETA was garbage and I don't care at all about Zombies.

Yeah sure. I personally really like the final MP. Haven't seen any campers yet

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I'm waiting for my copy to get here from amazon. Says it'll be delivered by 11pm on friday, can't wait to play a cod game again. This one doesn't look pozzed and actually looks fun

Really? They actually managed to make it run at 120? That's a surprise, i thought it would only be 60. Glad i got the SeX over the Pis5

It does not look pozzed now. They will wait for reviews before patching it in like MW 2019

It is pretty fun. The campaign has one of my favorite moments in a cod game and it's something I hope becomes a MP map
I haven't felt any drops. It really is a solid running game. I'm sure an analysis will show dips but I really genuinely haven't felt any playing. It always seems like it's at least more than 60 which is what I'm used to. This is my first 120fps game and it's noticeable to me.

>This is my first 120fps game
damn user you've been missing out. I played on PC all 8th gen at 144hz, it's been great but now that i have a full time job it's much easier for me to just boot up a console on the couch these days so i sprung for a SeX. Can't wait to join you guys in MP for the good ol bants of the 360 days

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It takes place in the same universe as MW(2019)

At least they're using their retro logo.

soulless except for the Lie ending which is actually kino

>This is my first 120fps game and it's noticeable to me.
I'm glad xbros get to experience 120fps vidya. It's about fucking time.
t. PC fat

What? No fucking way?

Just the lie ending or the ambush ending?

i have bought every call of duty just for their single player, i will do it for this one too

>Young Zakhaev
You gotta he shitting me

120 fps won't last on consoles for long.

Do the Treyarch and IW contradict each other? Not familiar with the series.

>trusting Adler

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Somewhat. I won't go into detail, If their trying to combine the reboot continuity with Black Ops then it's somewhat plausible. But if it was original Modern Warfare it wouldn't.

sure, I mean is there any modern game where you could nuke western capitalist countries?

I think it's meant to bridge the original black ops canon with the new MW canon, since the new MW canon is a soft reboot of the old with similar faces but somewhat different events

Its the cold war but in the alternate reality where Ross Perot wasn't elected president.

Does it have RTX? Got it for free so might as well try an rtx game

>tfw no ending where you reverse brainwash Park and make her your loyal sex slave gf


>Black Ops 2 takes place in 2025
Man, that means Task Force 141 will have to confront Cordis Die at some el point. Lol

good point
it might be just the Blops1 canon, I don't know if Cold War is meant to coexist alongside Black Ops 2 or not, especially since the latter has missions in the 80s too
it could also be that Zakhaev is only in there for a cameo without his presence meaning to be a solid connection between the MW and Blops worlds

>1st scenario: Zhakaev's appearance is meant to establish the connection between both continuities
>2nd scenario: He's just a cameo and that universe's version of Zakhaev
Either way I'm confused

How does Warzone work in this game? I heard it's the exact same Warzone from Modern Warfare, are there really no changes at all?

in the first scenario it means black ops 2's canon has to be adjusted to fit, which for all we know they may end up doing
in the second scenario it's just a nod to the MW series by having Zakhaev be a character in this game too