Kingdom Hearts 4 is dead

And so are all Disney games. You just know they will only make mobile games now and give up on the console market.

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Microsoft should to buy Disney and Sega

disney has 90000 gorillion dollars, they'll be fine

also if kingdom hearts 4 never happens it definitely won't be just because of this

Good thing that KH isn't owned by Disney

Thank you, God.

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Isnt that like...less than a marvel movie?


It is though
All the OCs are disney properties

KH only dies when disney dies. probably not even then, square would have to die too.
video game are doing well as a market compared to movies. disney literally hasn't been able to release anything for a year.

a company worth tens of billions can take a hit of 710 million easily.

Only 4 out of 29 made more than that.

Shouldn’t have tried to fuck with Netflix. And is it really a loss if the only thing that didn’t happen this year was a Marvel movie? Isn’t that what usually nets them a billion every year?

Sonic beat them

netflix is pure dogshit now though, the only thing they have left is their shitty original shows.

first good news to come out of 2020

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Based, they were losing 1B per month from their parks between March and August. Now they’re losing that much from their other products like Disney plus and espn; lmao

Good. Disney raped Star Wars and ruined several classic films. They deserve this.

And that's a good thing

Disney owns the stuff, but the don't fucking create or fund the games. Disney could lose shit loads, it wouldn't impact KH.

are you fucking stupid?

Good thing Biden will get rid of the virus it when's he's at the Office. Disney is saved.

I'd guess that's from loss of revenue at DisneyWorld

It wasnt the pandemic it was the woke shit and the ugly as shin hyper realistic lion king shit

>Disney owns the stuff, but the don't fucking create or fund the games.
Do you think they don‘t have anything to say in it? If disney says so, games are not done.

And why would they say that when its free money

KH3 was the highest selling game in the series. There is definitely going to be another entry. What Disney's role in it will be is an open question, but they're obviously not going to stop it from happening.


Fuck Disney, those freemason fuckers had it coming

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>Disney owns the stuff, but the don't fucking create or fund the games.
Okay then. So, Square-Enix could create a new Kingdom Hearts game, but without anything Disney owns, including: the name "Kingdom Hearts", the KH characters, Disney characters, the story, concepts like Heartless or or Keyblades, and on and on... if they wanted to make a new Kingdom Hearts game without any of Disney's stuff, the only thing they could use would be the FF and TWENEY characters.


Bad for kh, but thank good disney is suffering

>Make shitty live adaptations of movies no one really asked for
>Literally ruin the best Chinese bookstory by following that trend and hiring pro-china people for the job, all this without mentioning the tragedy of no Mushu
>Waste resources on shitty Star Wars Sequels
>Keep cowmilking Pixar with cringy movies like Ralph breaks the Internet
>Launch your own streaming service because muh elitism, while having a 10 times worse catalog than Hulu and Prime video together
>Breaking with Capcom's license over Marvel and going for Square Enix
>Marvel's Avengers flopping hard
Fuck them right up their small asses

I don't like any of Disney's shitty live-action remakes but you're retarded.
You're probably an autistic child so this is difficult for you to grasp: things you don't like can still be wildly successful. The sooner you accept this the better.

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It cost 100 times more to make
Woke shit is destroying all companies and disney is no exception
Cope harder

Licensing costs, wanting more money? This is a coperation of disney and se. Why else do you get info about it on disney events.

Considering that they JUST announced good reportings for a potential vaccine right after the election, let's just wait and see until how long the lockdowns get lifted now that Biden's elected. It wouldn't surprise me if they were waiting until election results to announce this stuff.

>And so are all Disney games. You just know they will only make mobile games now and give up on the console market.

Your comment makes no sense when overall game sales are up due to the pandemic. Disney has lost that much money because no one can go to Disneyland, this is where the money is being lost. If anything there's more of a chance that KH4 will happen providing KH3 sold well.

>1.113 BILLION in other territories
No wonder the movie industry is pandering to China, holy fucking shit

$710million doesnt really sound like a lot for a big company like Disney.

True but all of Disney’s eggs are in two baskets: theme parks and big ticket movies. Both of which continue to circle the drain at the moment. They also killed Star Wars so that’s a big IP in the can

Most of their losses come from not being able to run their parks properly.

wow, this isnt even shitposting.
you are genuinely fucking retarded.

>>while having a 10 times worse catalog than Hulu
Don‘t they own hulu?

Only for Nintendo, everyone else bombed. Even Fall Guys beat TLOU2.

>he thinks lion king took over 1b to make

Took maybe 1/5 of that you fucking moron.

>Disney only has a video games department

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>Only for Nintendo, everyone else bombed. Even Fall Guys beat TLOU2.

Stop talking bollocks, these are not representative of the entire gaming industry.

>Keep cowmilking Pixar with cringy movies like Ralph breaks the Internet
Actually, Ralph isn't Pixar, they made Incredibles 2 during that year. But they did in fact get worse when Disney purchased them in 2006. Cars got shilled to death.

They hated mulan which was the most transparent chink cash grab feels good man

Disney isnt losing money because of video games, it's because so much of their business is tied to cinemas and Disney land. Both of which were hit hard by the pandemic. If anything this may make them more interested in gaming.

Cope Snoy, you lost. Gi will w

>Only for Nintendo, everyone else bombed
fucking cope

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That's the funniest thing about the deal. They do, yet they go full prestigious with Disney+

You are unironically the one that's coping, you can't accept that "me not like thing" does not equal "thing no make money".

Mario ports sold more in 2 months, you lost.