Why did it become commonplace in the online industry to prioritize esports over fun?

Why did it become commonplace in the online industry to prioritize esports over fun?

Attached: compfags 4.png (1022x1230, 27.87K)

casuals don't need to be pandered toward, they'll play anything.

The profit motive.

oh shit an MS paint drawing, you sure showed them.

That's why optional competitive ruleset exist on some games, balancing can break the fun, ane fun can break the balance

lol git gud

It's usually not outside of a relatively small selection of games. A vast amount of games deliberately plan balance decisions in a way that favors lowest common denominator casual players, and a good many games have been ruined from it as a result.
What games are you referring to specifically?

fortnite and Clash Royale

Why not? Casuals complain about balancing but in the end of the day they still play it and hardly even notice the difference.

this is the worst graph i've ever seen

Casuals play a game once and move on, it dies after six months. Esports fags play a game over and over. Look at counter strike, it has been going for over 20 years now because it caters to esports fags. If you figure out how to milk esports fags with costumes or whatever, big money maker. If you want to make money from casuals you've gotta convince enough of them to buy your game, which is usually done with an immense marketing budget.

If a company can't afford to sink millions of dollars into telling casuals to buy their game, they have to balance it for the autistic diehards.

how on earth do you balance "exclusively" to eSports fags? Wouldn't a competitive scene favor balancing the entire roster?
Balancing for retards gives you dumb shit like SFV and Leeroy.

>he doesn't remember the dark souls IQ graphs

because twitch
it should not exist

If fortnite actually balanced the game around compfags they wouldn't have all quit. Can't speak for clash, but can you elaborate? Seems like business suicide to not balance a mobile game aroung casuals.

>balance around casuals
>hardcore audience gets buttmad and leaves
>casuals leave when the next flavor of the month game comes out
>dead game

At least if you focus on esports, you retain the hardcore audience + casuals who may not necessarily play but follow their favorite players/streamers.

A middle schooler would understand it

Don't balance the game at all, just make it fun and leave it at that.

false dilemma, the playerbase eats what e-celeb metafags shit out for breakfast

If you go too far in the other direction though its just as bad. Look at Halo 4.

So why do games with an overwhelmingly casual audience, like League, Overwatch, RSS, do this shit?

The pro players quit because the devs are retarded
They balanced the game around compfags which pissed off the casual audience which then lead to them adding counters to the compfag strats which pissed them off and it repeated
They could not for the life of them figure out that the actual problem was with turbo building and the RNG elements inherent to the battle royale genre

this user gets it

>IQ x nothing
>It's actually a bell curve so it would be IQ x Average Population
>But high iq is apparently Y, not X

go play Candy Crush pleb

Your graph isn't wrong but you seem to be ignoring the fact that the width of the skill range you're trying to balance is proportional with how hard it is to balance the game. In fact balancing the blue bracket of your chart is basically 100% impossible because any change you implement targetting one part of the bracket will have a variety of both negative and positive effects along the rest of the bracket

>balancing purely around skill ceiling and not skill floor or how hard it is to tap into said ceiling
Example: Nerfing a hard to use gun even though it sucks for 99% of the playerbase
>balancing around players being able to execute certain difficult mechanics consistently
Example: map designed for bunnyhopping movement speed instead of usual running
>balancing things around how strong they are in an organized team environment with every player on the same page
Example: nerfing team oriented characters like healers even though they are weak in public matches because they are broken in teamplay
>balancing for only specific game modes/maps that are in esports at detriment to other more popular modes
Example: nerfing slow firing high damage weapons because the esports mode has smaller team sizes even though they are outperformed by rapid fire low damage weapons in the much larger public matches

Because balance doesn't actually affect most of the player base because most of them are too dumb to actually exploit imbalance anyways.

Low level games (the bottom 80% of them or so) aren't decided by which side secured a .2% advantage with an optimal team draft, they're decided by which team made more retarded plays.

I feel like that's an overly morbid outlook. Balancing is not a zero sum game. A smart and creative balancing team can likely find changes that improve the game experience for some players at no detriment for any other.

>balance game for casual audience
>game is now an unholy abomination
No thanks especially since casual audience are braindead retards

its more logical to balance for the segment that creates the most business opportunities
the public will follow e sports because shit gamers want to do as the pros do, just like any other sport, so they will buy the game and the gear
if pro gamers are happy you get tournaments, big sponsors, big viewer counts, and big money

Holy fuck you are one pathetic faggot. Do you think they balance real life sports around casuals? If you are weak, you will lose to the strong, its called natural selection and if you can't cope with that, then I highly suggest going back to your single player safe space and playing on easy mode so you don't get your feelings hurt from losing like a literal autistic kid.
Competitive players play to be the best, you wouldn't understand that because you will never be the best because you are a pathetic subhuman. Games balance around the high level of play to ensure the best player wins, and as it turns out having a fun game to play and having it be competitively balanced are mutually exclusive. Look at all the people who play counter strike for fun, playing on private servers, gun games etc. because the core game is fun to play, and the balance changes for the hardcore community never affects them. Casuals won't notice if your guns 5th bullet has a different spray pattern.
Seriously, consider killing yourself. You are a disgrace to the gene pool.

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It goes both ways. Esports is all about sponsors, and sponsors are all about exposure. A game has to manage a strong casual audience to grow and keep its pro scene alive. Both the casual and competitive sides of a game feed into eachother quite a bit. More happy casuals means more fans= more viability for pros to have careers and sponsors. More happy pros means more casual fans.