Sonybros I thought the PS5 was supposed to be an improvement over the PS4, what happened?

Sonybros I thought the PS5 was supposed to be an improvement over the PS4, what happened?

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You don't have to make stupid "le sony bros" bait for this. Not even reddit defends the face swap. The screenshot looks horrible though just like the other few i've seen. I noticed it before but jesus christ they REALLY made the new guys head so much fucking bigger

Don't care, Black Lives still Matter.

Aunt May's hair is worth mentioning too

It isn't because the bottom image is clearly over saturated and overbrightened

I know this is bait but can you faggots stop trying to be ebin trolls. I want to actually talk about videogames in this shithole and all I hear are autists "ironically" screeching about "TRANNY OBSESSION!!!" and "COPE DRUMPFFF!!!".

No it's because they probably farmed out the cutscenes to third world poos who are notorious for being utterly incapable of properly lighting scenes or working with materials (especially shit with transparency like hair cards)

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maybe it's because the bottom pic is from a shitty stream, white the top one is a real screenshot?

The new face is awful and doesn't animate as well

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You retarded dude? Insomniac has been working closely with sony before the buyout. It was literally the first game to have been known to run on PS5 being showcased behind closed doors.

Go act like a "ironic" retard in front of the cunt you have for a mother.

he lost get over it

>You retarded dude?
Are you?

Insomniac has been working on Ratchet, the bulk of nigger-man's development has most likely been farmed out which is why there's such a decline in quality between the PS4 and PS5 versions.

Pic related, again you see problems with lighting and assets using transparency, in this case the trees on the PS5 version are fucking garbage with no self shadowing and completely flat lighting.

No different to the Demon Souls remaster where Bluepoint farmed out all the art to chink sweatshops.

Do educate yourself.

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every fucking time.
>game gets remade in HD
>they completely fuck up the lighing and atmosphere cause you NEED to see all the HD textures they made
>a dark tunnel, barely illuminated by lantern light? psh, fuck that, amp up the brightness, the players gotta see these walls we rendered!

I will never stop making bait threads NEVER

>cause you NEED to see all the HD textures they made
The point of diminishing returns hit textures last gen. You don't need a coffee cup have a 4k texture for example. Good lighting is probably more important for games anyways, it's why games like Dead Space still hold up graphically in alot of places but when you are in a bright room you can REALLY tell it's a older game.

Keep cherry picking bub

All the soul just... gone...

Holy shit this can't be fucking real.

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Name one (1) good remaster that’s equal to or superior to the original release.

>You're cherry-picking if you use comparisons where the PS5 looks worse

RE4 fan mod

So just buy the PS4 version?

>Keep cherry picking bub
Keep crying like a little faggot, that won't change the fact that there's lighting and material issues in the PS5 version that weren't present in the PS4 because they farmed out the work to third world shitters.

AoE II (2013). Originally called HD edition, but they re-remastered it and fucked up the shadows, so the 2019 remaster is not unanimously superior to the 2013 one or original.

Holy shit the cope.

PS5 Spider-man's ray traced lighting and reflections look really fuggin good and realistic

Wait a minute I've seen that face... about a dozen times in a dozen other Disney & Nick live action teenie bopper shows.

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Black Lives Matter is actually a very clever name for an organisation with an agenda. If you attack the organisation they make it seem like you’re disagreeing with the name and thus, you do not agree that Black Lives Matter.

>“That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything.”

― Noam Chomsky

"And never forget Zach...Cities can rebuild."

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are you kidding, even Demons souls is having some frame issues here and there. It still baffles me next gen has been a worse nothing burger compared to last gen


Good job saying absolutely nothing of substance in response.

Getting Lincoln Project vibes.

This post has to be ironic right? Do you even know who Noam Chomsky is? Maybe you're copypasting a Facebook post.

nta, but whos noam chomsky and why does that make the post ironic?