Is the current level of graphics we're at enough for you?

Is the current level of graphics we're at enough for you?

Attached: 8a7ySDp[1].jpg (4032x3024, 2.05M)


>using a console screenshot to depict the current level of graphics


Those graphics aren't the best, but yes it's enough. I mean, I don't care about graphics at all, honestly. I spend most of my time playing 2-D games and other stuff that came out over a decade ago. Graphics are basically pointless if the game isn't fun, and I don't know much about that Spider-Man game, but if it's good then I'd probably enjoy it equally as much if it had 2005 graphics.

That looks pretty bad actually.

In my opinion, developer's obsession with resolution is shit because I can see the ambient occlusion artifacts on the right side foliage. It could also be denser and more detailed. There's so many things to build upon before developers start delving into 4k, in my opinion

Comfy city

Halo 2 anniversary is the pinnacle of graphics. Using the original graphics, of course.

The fuck is wrong with that grass?
Why is the snow spraypainting it white?
Why is there an excessive ambient light as if there's a studio fill light across the entire environment?

>DUUUUUDE what if we added politics to our next spider man game. it's current year so we should have it take place during an election and have people wear masks because of covid. we should put a BLM mural and have a scene where police racially profile an innocent black man. OH and our main villain should be a white man XD

Other than reflections, it looks like shit.

Games would be way better if we stuck to approximately PS2 era levels of graphic detail. 3D assets eat up way too much manpower and time these days.

Yeah. All games need to do graphically is just push the quality of the world. Spider-man generally looks incredible but you can still find plenty of spots where textures look shitty or objects have too few polygons. Also, ray tracing isn't fully implemented to the max yet but not even the best PCs are capable of handling the full extend of what ray tracing can do on super detailed worlds like in the pic.

Im sure this isn't how this game looks im not being contrarian but this looks like an unreal engine asset flip

Graphics shouldnt focus on the realistic. They should be stylized to allow for extreme detail and completely unique worlds.

>Is the current level of graphics we're at enough for you?
It looks like someone modded GTAV and added a filter.

The cars don't look too great but that snow makes a nice atmosphere

Games can do almost literally anything even with highly detailed graphics.

This is edited to look like dogshit, right?

looks like a ps2 game

>our main villain should be a white man XD
Wow, how unlikely it is that a white man would be in a position of power. You fucking nonce.

the villain of Marvel's Spiderman was asian, one of the villains of the spiderverse movie was black, what are you on about, user?

I just don't think it's very balanced. There are some things which are not very expensive to implement GPU wise and those things look great, while the things that actually make the game look good like textures and LOD end up costing big in framerate. If they just met in the middle it would be fine.

>runs at 30fps with these graphics



spiderman in gta

the level of graphics in 2000 was good enough for me. as long as we're out of the jank ps1/n64 era graphics i'm completely fine. not that ps1/n64 games were bad, they were just ugly.

what is with the lightbeams, does spiderman have astigmatism?

he's on the sjw victim complex /vpol/ is famous for

they should stop improving graphics and develop on their fucking AI, at current state AI still look as dumb as 2012

>the ps5 can't even do raytracing at 60 fps without turning raytracing off
>game also looks almost identical to ps4 pro version

Are we being lied to about these new.consoles being "next gen"? Im really struggling to see why anyone would buy one.

honestly yes. We really don't need super hyper realism, and 1080p is enough. Devs need to work on improving systems, AI, and shit like that before they need to work on graphics.