Has there ever been a more blatant attempt at waifubait?

Has there ever been a more blatant attempt at waifubait?

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ur mum lole

waifubait is a good thing

Yes. Every girl in this game.

yeah, Xenoblade 2

You could make the case that every female character is waifu bait because they will have a trait that a some guy out there who ever he may be will like her.

>she will never squat on your face

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What is it about Futaba that triggers so many people?

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The entire series is a blatant attemp at wifubait you drooling retard

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>futa ba
>Futa, meaning both dick and girl
>is trans

shut up faggot toki is cute

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Not at waifubait per se, but it was the most blatant attempt at attracting the autistic Zig Forumstard userbase
>impossibly tiny, impossibly cute, meme spammer, genius IQ level but still needs protection, world star superhacker at 14yo who plays videogames and reads manga

I agree, shame about the backstabbing.

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>roastie "geek" facial structure
Hard pass on this uggo.

I want to cum in her boots.


>impossibly tiny, impossibly cute
This is just the stranded that all characters should strive for.

my girlfriend is cute

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She would be if there was no family ties. But everything besides that is very waifu bait
Yes but i still love her.
Bingo, she is aigis and 02 tier waifu bait


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>is basically your little sister

you are all degenerates

Pornography has eaten your mind.

Where does this meme come from?
She's more like the boss's daughter.

What are the qualities needed for a character to be considered waifubait?

>family ties

She's literally the adopted daughter of the guy fostering you (or whatever you want to call it). That's about as far as you can get from 'family ties' without there being no connection at all. I mean, incest is incest, but if there's no blood connection then it's really a bunch of evangelical prudes making much ado about nothing.

to me the only problem with her is that her romance trigger is her asking if she can give up on not being dependent on you, therefore getting with her is leaving her a forever broken human being.
who even gives a shot about her age, jokers only like 2-3 years older than her.

Futaba has all of the hot parts of being your sister, and none of the gross or creepy parts.

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The line is so dumb because she finishes her arc anyways.

They're more popular than your obscure waifu

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But she's less dependent on MC-kun in the romance route